Yes, with different emphases. And can I not fight for LGBT rights because I am straight?
Yes, with different emphases. And can I not fight for LGBT rights because I am straight?
Why do you care what gender they are?
If someone genuinely espouses equality for all and then calls themself a feminist, why do you care what is between their legs? Honest question. What bad thing will then happen to the movement?
I completely disagree and you're not helping the rest of us. I will take all the allies I can get, and your attitude ostracizes people who would otherwise be willing to listen and maybe even change their opinions.
This whole thread was very entertaining to read.
I love Pornstache, in that I love to hate him.
The only thing I have to add is that I love your name.
Looks like parent wrote in pencil and had the little girl trace the lines.
It sucks. I know saying it sucks and leaving it at that robs it of its importance, but I'm just overwhelmed at all the shit happening this week and I just...guh. I hate that I can't just wave a wand and get rid of all the suffering and injustice and horribleness. And people still have to give a shit ABOUT THEIR HAIR.…
As other people said, this doesn't make me feel shitty. Which I think is the strongest argument that I'm in a position of privilege.
I don't get hair prejudice. I don't get natural hair being a "problem" or a "thing."
Now that you say that, I totally see how it would appear that way. I'm not on Twitter, but I know the #crimingwhilewhite hashtag and assumed it was supposed to be the obverse to "walking while black" meaning not ONLY do black people have it bad when they behave in a law-abiding fashion, but white people have it good…
This is just terrible all around and no one is a winner. I'm sad for the families of the little girls, and I'm sad that people will say that this guy needs to die because they don't know anything about mental illness.
I know. I was funnin' around. You can tell cause I casually dropped the g there. :)
I agree with you in principle, but I also happen to love the voices. Is there a place in the universe for me??
Psh, amateurs.
Yup. Came here to say that all the women in Six Feet Under are Strong Female Characters, and all I'm seeing are action heroes.
I went to an Eels concert with a friend of mine a couple years ago and he was the opener. That day I learned of my friend's clown phobia, haha.
I posted this on another thread, but now I wanna throw it out to the group:
If you had your druthers, what would the final four look like? I'd want mushrooms vs scotch and Ambien vs Dogfishhead. Then again, all of the soft stuff would have been craft American beers for me. Seriously, though, Ambien should have been on the list. Amateurs.