Perhaps 9 out of every 10 times an owner responds snarkily to a bad Yelp review, it winds up making the owner look…
Perhaps 9 out of every 10 times an owner responds snarkily to a bad Yelp review, it winds up making the owner look…
And I’m genuinely surprised how much people responded to it! Not sure I’ve ever gathered so many stars.
MRA’s have no sense of humor. They’re so sensitive!
Try convincing someone with a psycho-somatic disease that what they believe to be physical is all in their head when they can feel it, see it, and smell it. It is literally part of the symptomology, they believe it is physical.
Why a "[sic]" for "pores" there? That's the correct usage.
When it said "grinder", I thought they meant like a hoagie.
Bless your heart. Your logic would apply if he were referring to himself as a woman. But he's not, he's referring to himself as a feminist. Feminism is a movement, not an identity. You don't choose to be born a woman but you do choose to be a feminist. The "marginalised" group is women, not feminists. The terms aren't…
this may be the best parsing of such a phenomenon I've read all day or ever.
I really like you, Mark. But I have a red pencil here that is just dying to correct all these typos.
it's something different I guess. The masses normally aren't comfortable with something they aren't familiar with
*Cancels life, settles in front of TV in anticipation*
Gee, I'm sure it has nothing to do with people not wanting to be the faces of a story about sex workers ...
Hell yeah mushrooms and scotch! Screw the bracket, I just want those things!
They are my heroes too. I even gave a presentation as GW Carver in elementary school. As a person with many food allergies though, I wonder if his genius is related to the rise in peanut allergies.
Unrelated, but your screenname is the best.
And the lead is called Gatmiss Featherbeen!