My first successful Gawkerverse comment. Thanks for the lub! :)
My first successful Gawkerverse comment. Thanks for the lub! :)
I give both genders a pass on accidental toots. I fucking hate anyone who does it deliberately. I have an ex like that. It's infuriating.
It's starting to look like a triple penis! *sobs* It's so beautiful, WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?
I feel like they debunked that one, but maybe I'm thinking about math and I'm definitely too lazy to Google it at the mo. :)
Oh god, I always thought their arms and legs were white (actual white, not person white). I think that's a good implicit privilege test, and I failed hard.
What is boyish about orange and yellow? That was the color of a Nerf gun I bought for secret Santa. Pro tip, Nerf guns make all parties better.
I think the word just suffers from a PR problem. Like Global Warming. But calling it "fucking treat us like people" is a mouthful. So is Global Climate Change, I guess.
I do but that's because everyone is moving away all the time. So I stalk on FB and if they're back in town, we grab a drink. I just don't have time to keep in contact with the dozens of people I genuinely like who don't live in my town anymore. So out of sight, out of mind, but I am genuinely happy when I see them…
Only tangentially related, but Theron managed to be utterly disgusting while conventially attractive in Young Adult. I love that movie and hope the conventionally not attractive as sexy type movie follows close behind.
Ugh, right? Hell would be a sald of those, iceblerg lettuce, water chestnuts and some kind of fat free italian "dressing."
I know, sadface. If being an asshole doesn't work and being nice also doesn't work, I think I need to get off the internet.
She calls it a maynoegg!
Blerg. Not this vegetarian.
Soooo...I notice that we never see them doing a colonic together. Are they sharing one set of equipment? :S
Read the following in a kind, non-judgmental voice:
One time my friend Horkenfork* asked me if I wanted to get crepes with him. I was like "hell yes, I love crepes, num num." After we got crepes, I pulled out my credit card to pay my half and he was like, "no, I got you." He knew that I'd gotten laid off recently, so I thought he was being a super nice friend. A few…
The vast majority of the time, it's because we didn't know. Wimmens aren't the wiley types we're made out to be. We are human and that includes being clueless. Some women deliberately lead men on because some women are jerks because they are under the umbrella of some people are jerks. If you offered to move our…
I feel like any comments other than ones about Pete and Pete in this thread are unproductive.
When I'm sharing ideas (at work especially), ones that counter what others say, I now endeavor not to start my sentence with "Sorry, but..." It's really hard, and I consider myself an abrasive asshole, so I don't even know how the gentler variation of my gender combats that social issue.
Maybe I live in a liberal bubble, but I know literally one white person who has ever verbalized "thank god I'm white'" and I have relayed that to other people as a shocking anecdote. I'd say most of my white privilege has been that I've gone through my life with my whiteness being considered society's "default," and…