
TV Tropes did it first.

@bainelaker: Yea, that no-talent ass clown should change his name instead.

@Basil Khan: It varies by state in the US. You can visit the local government websites usually to view statutes and find out more information.

@Bubbsdaddy: Use the Astroglide before and then the antibacterial wipes after.

@talkingstove: Yep, I'm sure people will find a way around it.

Turn computer?

@Michael Interbartolo III: Yes, I am saying I didn't get the Star Wars reference at first. My first reaction was to think of Highlander.

Star Wars was not the first that I thought of; Highlander came to mind for some reason.

@Clashwerk: Cross post between io9 and Gizmodo.

@Billybird: Truer words have not been spoken.

@HereComesMyBaby: And I am saying that these differences between gender need to be forgotten.

It's funny that the picture for the old model contains an ad for a "gentlemans' " club.

@funzette: Doesn't matter. Wrong is wrong.

@funzette: It's not about being shamed for sex, but about the invasion of privacy via pictures and intimate details.

@jetRink: That's well and good. On that we agree, save the people/property. We know the consequences of hurricanes hitting populated areas.