
@jetRink: A class in chaos theory quickly shows that lots of functions have a "sensitive dependence on initial conditions."

I think we should stop trying to control that which we don't fully understand.

Sorry, I can't justify a case that costs a third of the (subsidized) price no matter how pretty it is.

These things will wind up lost behind something, stuck in the seat cushions or easily destroyed.

I don't get it. Is that a bad thing?

Why would we want to stop him?

That graphic is not very fair.

No way am I seeing this movie. Just no.

Yea, representing Tennessee!

Yes! Lots of food items on Hobomodo! Now I can survive for another week.

The answer to the riddle in the last video is that the 5 meter rope is not tied to anything. Boom!

I can imagine cowboys using this to wrangle up some steers during a cattle drive.

@infopowerbroker: Yep, good find. Here is the link for all the photos. Click on read more.

@Polebull: Yep, its working now too. Had to completely clear cookies since I always use incognito mode.

@Polebull: Not just you. The link is busted. I have spent last 5 minutes googling to get the deal. No luck.

Someone likes Futurama...

@thePrototype: Adult friend finder you say? Now I am intrigued...

These remind me of tricked out Power Wheels, only for adults.