
1:36. BOOM! Headshot!

+1 cookie to the first person to name them all.

There is no spoon.

Enough said.

The Beast continued to spread, consuming all in it's path.

Strange things are afoot.

I was planning to go watch this, after reading this review and the commenters experiences, I will save my money.

"Hero's Journey bukkake"

No thanks.

@talkingstove: Customers should not have to pay an ETF for a faulty phone.

@blackmoth: Good to know. So it seems it's all about size (TWSS).

@brijazz: Oh snarky comments, always to be expected.

@Nitemancometh: Yes! Ordering this right now myself. PPG FTMFW!

So which is better? The Droid X or the Incredible?