
It’s so much better than that. He then used his personal twitter account to act like this account was a fake when both are verified:

Yes it does put pressure on them. But these companies are run as long term dynasties not smash and grabs. If they mismanage their land they will be out of forest and out of business in a decade or two.

Why? No really, why should we forgo wood as a construction medium. I could easily argue that the concrete and steel in your house caused more ecologic damage than the wood in the typical house. Even with processing and delivery wood is a net CO2 reducer because trees are great at sucking up CO2. Steel and concrete

And one stupid little wrench.


How many millions of dollars have been spent on this crap? How many people have been able to send their kids to Harvard for four years because a few footballs might have been a little light, but of course there’s no way to tell since they did not measure and register each ball before they hit the field. If this was so

While I was at work today and this was the hot button issue being talked about, I learned a shockingly large amount of my coworkers would be willing to hand over their phones and computers to our employees with no qualms. I am talking about personal computers by the way, not work ones. Their response to me saying they

I too am a lawyer. This is just rich guys masteurbating on each other and their lawyers fleecing them blind. Ignore it.

So the crux of this case is around the arbitration proceedings, and whether these were procedurally fair. If the assertions alleged are true, I think the most damning allegations are that the NFL did not allow Brady to examine the evidence or have access to witnesses, and that Goodell and Wells acted on behalf of the

Didn’t the colts technically tamper when they measured the gameballs on the sidelines?

I’m pretty sure they explained what happened in the Doctor Who episode “The Wasp and the Unicorn.”

15. <Flip him off while his stupid toddler back is turned>

After reading this, my very advanced 5-year old won’t stop saying the motherfucker-word and now my child’s childhood has been ruined even worse than when her mom wouldn’t let her play with a yo-yo because yo-yos are a sex metaphor and her mother was revolted by the sight of them and also me and that’s why she left us

All it’ll take for Desmond to be an All-Star once again is a trade to the Royals.

Counterpoint: Fuck Miguel Cabrera.

“Who cares?! Why is this news?!” — Person who clicked on the link after knowing what the article was about.

Or, perhaps, a German living in some out-of-the way village in Argentina or Paraguay?

only one who could be argued as worse is his right hand man, Fuck-bag McBayless

I was saying to my best friend last night, Jon is in the crosshairs now. If they kill him, I want all of next season to be Coldemort the Night’s King rolling over every motherfucker in the 7 kingdoms, killing them all en masse. At least until they get to Dorne and die from boredom.

Peter O’ Toole for Dumbledore.