And there is no specific rule he violated.
And there is no specific rule he violated.
You can't point out a specific rule he violated, because he did not break one. Le Batard voted. He used his ballot. Deadspin did not physically fill out and send in the ballot. What Le Batard did is no different than the sports writer in Houston that asked his buddies for help and went with their suggestions. His…
Considering he didn't break any rules of the BBWAA Constitution, he probably could. It'd be awesome.
What rule did he break? Look in the BBWAA Constitution and tell me the specific rule he violated. Eat shit.
Ty Cobb's racism made up for his dirty play.
I think the corked bat has continued to harm Sosa's legacy.
Dirty or not, Bonds and Clemens are the best hitter and pitcher, respectively, of their generation. PED's have been in use in baseball since the 60s. They should have both been first ballot guys.
McKee is a douche.
I didn't realize that knowing an affected minority group member made you innoculated against being bigoted against said minority group. I guess Hitler wasn't really antisemitic then. #Godwinning
I thought his singspieled rendition was amazing, and his epileptic fit tied the whole thing together.
Derp. Thx
Not sure what you're referring to. Go on...
Chickens don't have thoraxes. Unless you are referring to McD's failed deep fried cricket experiment of 1983...
This list is absolutely asinine. How in the world can any rational person think that Mike Mayock is a decent, let alone good commentator?
This reads like a New Yorker that very rarely drives on the highway. Us Midwesterners deal with this shit all the time.
ESPN needs to do this for every game that Dickie V covers for my team, so that I can finally stop muting the tv in lieu of the radio play-by-play.
I don't care that you're kidding. You should be tarred and feathered for giving the NCAA ideas.
Living longer and avoiding diseases is a reproductive advantage, making him more likely to pass on his genes. Hence, it is an evolutionary advantage. Now, one could make the argument that such augmentation would make him less attractive to the opposite sex, thus resulting in no net benefit.
Mike Mayock makes Phil Sims seem like the Howard Cozelle of today's NFL. I spend every Thursday game screaming at his idiocy.
Ron Washington would disagree.