
MuBlock, combined with Ghostery

What is this 'respect' they speak of? What does it mean?

The wife and I stayed in Gatlinburg a couple of years ago to hike in the Smoky Mountains, and we absolutely loved the place. It was absolutely awful seeing the images of the wildfires and knowing the amount of casualties they caused.
Driving over the Parkway through Pigeon Forge was quite the interesting experience

A swift lesson learned…

Video is private? At least, it's not viewable by me, here in the Netherlands… Oh well… I'll just imagine how it went down.

Jay Z for president!!! 2020 make it so (with 2044 being Beyoncé's year)!!!

Being Dutch myself pronounciation of HoeGGGaarden isn't as much of a problem… (pro-tip: it's like the sound of hocking a loogie)…

Ohhh and I hope the beer still tasted as well as it could under the somewhat unfortunate circumstances…

It's a hexagonal glass, isn't it?

Drinking for the Cubs or for the Indians?

Give me Hoegaarden Witbier over any of these other Hefeweizen any day.

OK… Thanks for that! Makes it pretty clear what the problems are with these beasts.

OK, so not so harmless after all… I thought their biggest problem was messing up the garbage.

As someone who lives in Western Europe and who only goes to the US on holiday or business, raccoons have always seem very harmless and cute to me. Truth be told, I've only ever seen one raccoon in the wild while in the US.

So… what if you lose one of those controller halves? Or… what happens if you drop one into your Coke? Or… what if your hands are simply too big?

Oh man, even just posting this comment in this topic will increase my geekyness by +5.

Fuck British Airways, who ran out of meals before they arrived at our shitty seats at the back of the plane. It was only a flight from Amsterdam to the UK, but still… Some sort of compensation would have been nice.

Pro-tip: combine uBlock with Ghostery.

It is not. For the iPhone, use the Lionz app. Personally I use uBlock for Chrome, combined with Ghostery, for blocking ad-trackers and cookies.

My thoughts exactly… When I heard the news about his son's accident, I feared he might just quit music altogether, until I quickly realized music always was, and would again be, the main vent for his grief. Indeed, I also almost feared the rawness of what he would release in the wake of his tragedy…