
Sounds like a nightmare. And considering the area, the chance that these were the agressive / hassling type meth-heads seems pretty much a given.
Glad you kept it cool and made it out alright. Sounds like a learning experience as well, not just for you, but also for myself in a case like this.

Hey pal, did you get a load of the nerd?!!!

OK… Call me crazy but I hate Clare Bowen's character, and I hate most of the minutes she's on screen.
Instead, my reasons to watch this show are 20% Charles Esten, 20% Hayden Panettiere, 30% Connie Britton and 30% Aubrey Peeples. Aubrey just hits all the right buttons for me: cutest girl curently on TV. I even liked

I think that we will probably visit the Dry Tortugas one day: we love Key West, but we've seen and done pretty much everything in and around Key West except doing Fantasy Fest. My wife does have pills for travel sickness, so the boatride is probably manageable. Perhaps next time…

We've been to Key West three times, but every time the wife and I think about visiting the Dry Tortugas, we get put off by the long boatride to get there, the price, and the fact that, because we both wear lenses and are extremely short-sighted, we'll be there without being able to fully enjoy the underwater

I saw them in Rotterdam in 1993 on the Black Album Tour, with Suicidal Tendencies and Megadeth supporting. I still wonder how that must have felt for Dave. Anyhow, most definitely one of the best shows I've ever seen, start to finish, including Suicidal and Megadeth who were also on fire.
I've never felt any need to

God didn't take too kindly on Sullivan hitting on mrs. God that one time at the Christmas Party.

Jude Law to play me aged 20 - 40. That's who mrs. Crimboween thinks I look like. Now, I see some resemblance so I can go with that. For age 40 - 60 I'd rather have Mads Mikkelsen play me.

That sounds like me. I had the same problems when I was young, edging into high functional autistic territory looking back on my behaviour and matching it with what counts as autistic traits nowadays.
I moved into a dorm when I was 18, with personal rooms and a shared common room. First night there, I was sitting in

Depeche Mode was a pretty major influence, for relationships, love and sex. So many songs of their songs seemed to speak to me, and enforced the way I was thinking about things.
I'll be honest, my parents were pretty worthless in this regard. They divorced when I was 15 and mostly showed me which directions not to take

if someone doesn't like you, gracefully move on and don't try and force them into liking you.

"I think I'm getting the black lung"… Mrs. Crimboween and I use it often, whenever we cough.

I very, very, VERY literally had a ticket in hand for the Februari 22nd, 2001 Melkweg show in Amsterdam, and already was on the way to go there when I got the call in the train that the show was cancelled. It was the first show they didn't do, due to their breakup the night before. I turned around and went to another

Bill Nighy's line "Yes I have, Ant or Dec" totally cracked me up when I saw 'Love Actually' in the cinema.
It was pretty embarrassing in fact, considering I was watching the movie in the Netherlands and literally no-one in the audience had any idea who Ant and Dec are, so the wife and I were the only ones laughing

I can't agree more: the whole of Screamadelica is just excellent. Shine Like Stars and especially Higher Than The Sun are wonderfully mellow, and the whole album just makes you want to trip out. Vanishing Point, which came after, is also highly recommended.

You. My room. 10:30 tonight.
You. 10:45… And bring a friend.

That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas.


Darth Minogue

Same goes for actors who star in James Bond movies.