
They did specifically say that the Starkiller Base weapon completely sucked up all the energy from a sun: the reason the sun went dark during the Kylo Ren / Han Solo kerfuffle.
At first glance, it did look like the Starkiller Base was built into an existing planet, although the plans which were shown did indeed show

"Han shot, dot."

Just remove the hyphen, as far as I'm concerned…

Hannibal politely disagrees with you.

Absolutely true. I'm European, so here we only kick footballs around and don't actually handle them, but I still loved the series. Even my wife loves FNL, and she doesn't even like the European version of football.

I recall having read that Homeland was still being filmed as it was being broadcast. Still, the Paris attacks of November 13th do seem to be rather too recent to have been referenced in an episode just over three weeks later.

So, wait… the OFFICIAL plot synopsis literally says: "a whale of mammoth size"…???
It must have been something like a killer whale to be that small. Gotta say, the trailer makes it look rather bigger.

It's actually Torynn NEARR…
Now make like a tree and get out of here!

Being a European, I'd never heard of H.H. Holmes before today… Color me schooled.

I think he was actually having sex with his prostitute, but it was Lucy who helped him 'over the edge' with her foot while she lay further up their bed…

Perhaps you might remember a Dutch band called 'Urban Dance Squad' (who reportedly inspired Rage Against The Machine). The singer of that band went by the name of 'Rudeboy' and he's big into WWII memorabilia.
I was standing in the front row of a gig they were giving, with Rudeboy dressed in WWII GI army gear, and

I wasn't even aware that the 'Batch was in this.

This one has often saved me from a lot of stress: "Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Agreed. He seems to have a very friendly spirit.

Very astute! I take it you have visited our fair country!
As an aside, I actually work in public transport, with services running from 5 a.m. until about 2 a.m. the next morning. In our daily data logs, we actually let a service day run to 26:00 hours, for simplicity's sake.

To be honest, I made a mistake when I was typing that. In the Netherlands, we don't use a.m. or p.m. at all. The 24 hour clock is pretty much the standard for text, and when a time is spoken we use the 12 hour clock and we add 'in the morning/afternoon/evening' whenever there might be confusion.

Hitting theatres on December 16th here in the Netherlands, people! Got my 15:00 pm tickets, bitches: prepare to get spoiled rotten when I get out of there!!!

The unmentionables…

I was severely disappointed when it turned out this movie did in fact NOT feature Matt Tracker or Miles Mayhem.
EDIT: Ben Grimm beat me to this.

Yup… It's the only figure / set I bought (didn't even get the starter set).