
SO eventually, we can all equip ourselves with a head set (think Lobot) that transmits AND receives signals from others brain wave readers and speak in complete silence.

I almost never use the Google Home Page to search. Every browser has a search box.

I can see the Google Ad machine getting in on this:

@Helvetica: single best use of Twitter ever.


@Akio Morita: I think there was an 1200XL that looked even closer to three.

@Axelph: you don't know what sarcasm is? yadda yadda.

@St3v3: Coverflow? I have no idea of what you speak, I use a Droid. Where the notion that I can replace the stock apps with another equal, or better working alternative is available to me. not just the stock app that Google offered.

I guess you love that stock music player too eh? eh? c'mon, admit it.

"Android manufacturers must spend extra money to create user experiances."

Sounds like the lack of remembering her number actually may have saved him from wasting even more time with someone apprantly extremely insecure and immature. Good for him.

I call fake. The date on the memo is April 13th 1987 while the show debuted on TV on September 28th of the same year. If they were still evaluating actors in April (and some final choices and characters are not on that list) then that would leave maybe 3 months to finalize the list, film the pilot and do all post

@Jay Swanson: or, you know,maybe it was because the article was about the release of Trillian Astra for Android. Not the release of Trillian for every platform it's been released for.

I think a lot of Biometric Security companies would take issue with these patents. Fingerprint, retina, and voice print identification are all existing products. I don't know if this is different enough to warrent a new patent. Only time will tell.

Easy, just set your camera to CGA or EGA mode.

What's to say that hasn't been said before?

@Kajun78: But that magical Backpack and Map of hers would come in handy. Everything that she might need (to kill super mutants) it has inside for her.

My daughter's Dora the Explorer game on the Wii has ladders. She has to wiggle the Wiimote to climb.

@se7a7n7: for some things yes. but once a model kit is built, no one can tell it was the original versus the reissue anymore.