
@crikerat: dummy, you had it backwards!

Maybe it's a holdover from that whole bruhaha years ago when Apple (the computer company) sued Apple (the record company) for trademark infringement or some such nonsense?

Of course, Google did that in what, three years? How long has Symbian been around?

@yanipheonu: yes because everyone can spend hours playing games all day and night over three days.

I was really hoping for some Sesame Street.

My first impression was 'wow this is slick great job!'

You lost me at the part where you toss a kitten in order to distract the robot's laser eyes. Terrible.

this is exaclty the type of game I love to play, but can never finish. Braid was the same way. I'll still give it a go though.

"Your body is a pretty effective signal absorber. When you make contact with that phone, its performance in contact with you is less than its freespace performance. It's a way to attenuate the signal by some amount."

@Dragonfang18: I was thinking something similar. The accuracy of the laser isn't in question, it's the accuracy of target selection that is more important now.

Looks nice. I converted from an HTC touch to the Moto Droid. Before that was a steady run of WinMo.

I remember two of my most favorite cell phones, the Motorola StarTac and the Motorola V60. Both had the original protruding finger antenna that you could extend out if needed.

John Lennon Lives!

The phone is going End of SALE, not End of LIFE.

@muldvarpe: Well put it this way, 499 in UK pounds is about $770 US today. So start from there.

@amasiancrasian: If I understand it (at a high level) a move to LTE for any carrier would result in a switch to UMTS for voice. Even Verizon would end up in the same network in the future. the only difference would be frequency band.

@chuckrich81: only a geek would beleive that. Geek.