
@Mr. Spontaneous: Sure, there are always exceptions. No one is saying that there will never be ANY Firefox users outside of techies and the like, but they won't penetrate like many of the others. All you have to do is look at how quickly Chrome has taken market share.

On one hand: haha @ Apple as this is excatly what they attempt to do to others.

@shorty63136: maybe she's just not that much of a geek to care one way or another?

What really hurts Firefox is that they are independant. Regardless of all the talk of extensions, JIT compilers and Javascript performance, IMHO most people JUST DON"T CARE.

I always saw John Byrne's Next Men as a Superman take off. There was one person who was invulnerable, one who was super strong, one who was super smart, one who had eye beams etc. I guess you could also tie them to the Xmen and I don't know his intent (though the title screams X-Men)

@EShy: Well, even with a common interface, the phone manufacturers will still have to validate and test new software with their hardware (drivers and all.) But it will shorten it.

@rabbot: I think one implication you may take from this is that with Android 3.0 and beyond the fragmentation will begin to wane. It seems as though Google is making a statement that a phone must meet certain specs and must be a google experiance device (no custom UIs.) So it could be a sign that this might end.

Make no mistake, this isn't going to be targeted as a general purpose tablet. It's going to be a video phone first, and a tablet second (if at all.) Cisco has slowly been improving their video capabilities through it's Telepresence products and the aquisition of Tandberg. They want this to be a communication

Interesting that there is no mention of Android, Google TV, or Boxee. I get that they launch on preferred partners, but I'd think a Google TV app (and by virtue an Android app) and Boxee App would make sense.

@tayaya: Microsoft gets no additional time to 'analyze' a bug. I'll also add, that the majority of Microsoft bashing also comes from non Windows users. So what? If it's accurate, then it is deserved.

@macdrew: It IS interesting that so many people are willing to forgive an obvious flaw in a flagship device.

Is the glass behind some plastic film or will this eventually get worse and result in glass splinters everywhere?

@Zac Shipley: If something is so fragile that it needs a case to protect it from shattering, then maybe they shouldn't make it so fragile in the first place. Scratches, dings, sure, it's up to you. But why spend so much time on this great 'industrial design' only to have to hide it behind a rubber case just to

I guess the next iPhone innovation will be a kickstand...

gah. My next upgrade isn't due until 2011. Boo.

I guess it's harder for others (squirrel!) to not pay attention to their (squirrel!) phones without turning them off. To each their (squirrel!) own.

Steve Jobs: "Google's Montra of 'don't be evil' is bullshit!"

20 and 45 are my favorites. I remember Topps included some of these concept art images in their ESB trading cards series. I used to disect those images back in the day.