
@Ccomfo1: Pointing out there is a flaw is one thing. Publically announcing the flaw along with the way to exploit it, is irresponsible. I'm sure Google would feel the same way if someone said 'hey, you can go to, plug in a person's name and get all their past search history, gmail, pictures, etc.

@xyglyx: without a deeper understanding of how it's done I can't say if that idea would work. If it can be done, I'm sure someone will figure it out. The hard part is, even if they collect the data, they can't use it. It will be interesting to see if they actually enforce it. I think Google might push the envelop

@SEDAGIVE?!: actually, the upgrade is for select BDPs. The 300 series and 550 don't seem to have an upgrade due (according to the above anyway)

@xyglyx: advertisers (not ad companies) pay big money to position their ads appropriately. It's not enough to just have your ad seen, they want to maximize the potential for the RIGHT person to see it. Why waste time serving an ad for an SUV to a person with an environmentalists profile? That is where the big

@creiij: or they could create, say, thier OWN mobile OPERATING SYSTEM!!!!

@HunterKiller_: oh wait, I see what you did there, you replaced the 'S' in 'MS' (short for Microsoft) with a '$' implying that the Microsoft Company (ticker MSFT) likes money.

@Bohatahyah: do you think maybe they plan, I don't know, two more articles about say the PS3, then the Wii? Same structure, similar information, etc.

@Jim Fletcher: I will say I had a similar problem. What it came down to was that my Bank had never associated my online banking with my credit account, so Mint would never see it. I had them fix that and it showed up. The reason being the two systems used the same online banking service and were not created at the

@Jim Fletcher: I think Intuit made a statement that Quicken Online will go away in favor of Mint "when the time was right" whatever that means.

finally. Now if they can only get that Android app out they promised us

I can't see any wand style pointing device being all that useful. Pointing at the screen for 40 minutes just isn't that comfortable. A good analog stick would work much better IMHO.


Seems like Sequals do better in Video Games than they do in the Movies. I was on the fence with this one but reviews have been all positive so I'm doomed to get it.

@Owen Good: Yes I remember the bleachers were definately pro Pedro that day, regardless of the team he played for.

@ienvy: The BoS in Washington DC were sent there by the original BoS in California and later seperated from them. They are not the sum total of the Brotherhood.

Dude. I was at that same Yankee/Sox game. I'm a Mets fan so it was quite enjoyable. THough the one hit was a home run.