
@Kamix: Yes Mr. Kamix, but that game will be (takes sunglasses off) ...murder.

If I remember, in Starcraft one of the ships says 'make it so' when it is ordered to move. I think it was the science vessel.

Great comments below. I would love a deep RPG like Fallout 3. The story elements and 'episodic' format could definately work with trek. Too bad an MMO is what we got.

@Atheist Jew: I loved cranking out defiants in that game and just leading them around. Best Trek RTS.

@symbology: Do you mean the original Star Trek arcade game?

@LucasFFXI: Affirmitive. The other Trek adventure games could never live up to it. The music, visuals, situations, all of it. I didn't play the CD version with the voices but it didn't matter.

It sounds like an episode of CSI:Miami.

@chiposaur: One workaround would be to just set the web browser to full screen. Maybe even use IE for the interface page but Firefox for actual browsing, that way the interface doesn't get screwed up.

@pcx339: Did you use your GV number or your real phone number? I originally tried my GV number but it worked with my real phone number. THough I uninstalled it later.

Another vote for Mobile Defense here.

OK, Is this a good business tactic?A potential user/customer visits my brand new site.Said customer uses Internet Explorer version 8 to visit the site.Customer receives a message:

@jkoebel: This exactly. Carry the host software with you (I also have it on a thumb drive in my bag so it is even easier to install but the phone is the best place.)

@Darrell.Raines: The measure for success for Android is if it can create a comparable user experiance to the perceived market leader which in this case is the iPhone. Which IMHO it does. It doesn't have to be better or revolutionary.

@mrbnatural: no worries, we'll just rename it godMode.

@DBeta: Thanks. I had tried to disable the system toolbar but that function didn't work for whatever reason. It is beta afterall. :)

I like how they are tweaking and offering an insight into the design of the interface. Interface design was a passion of mine when I was a developer.

Vote: webex

@ryaninc: Now that I can agree with. Seems like a tip more appropot to a dediacted GPS.

@cmaceachen: To be honest, no, I carry my registration in my wallet. Same for my insurance card (my wife has copies as well.)