#SpartansWill collaborate to protect serial child abusers, then hold their breath and wait patiently for the backlash to subside. In the NCAA, it always does.
#SpartansWill collaborate to protect serial child abusers, then hold their breath and wait patiently for the backlash to subside. In the NCAA, it always does.
“And don’t forget Giancarlo Stanton.”
Oh man, you’re about to hear from a bunch of people who totally have black friends.
+ 3 lice-infested children
“Not racist if they were singing!”
Here’s Ta-Nehisi Coates on white people using the n-word when singing along with the lyric. I’m not going to pretend like I can explain it better than he did.
I’m sitting next to my girlfriend who also thinks the headline is rubbish.
People who suffer from motivated blindness will never see sexism, even when it happens right in front of them. Do better than this.
See you in Thermidor!
So dated. Clearly we should have all moved to Swatch Internet Time! It’s @839 right now!
Considering he told people to go to her email address that would be pointless, wouldn’t it?
Raised Catholic, but I appreciate you getting way in front of your antisemitism and deciding to make that your text rather than mere subtext.
No, cost. My coffee this morning cost $2.50. A cost of Michigan’s win was the ruination of Devin Davis.
The last fleeting hope UVA fans had was the appearance of the final score on the Rolling Stone website.
Thomas Jefferson must be rolling over in his slave.
Yeah, I’ll admit that I don’t really know what the precise risks are. All I know is that very, very few people engage in this level extreme climbing, and yet I hear about deaths in the sport ALL THE TIME.
I wonder if the kids feel the same way about Doug Ducey. That he’s being used by adults with an agenda (e.g. the Koch Brothers and the NRA).
How I was at 16 would probably be a whole lot different if someone had shot up my high school and killed a bunch of my friends. Don’t be dense.
The only knock on Penn hosting the Ivy League tournament is that it might make sense to have it at an Ivy League school.