Making bombs is bad.
His roughest scrap with The Man came in 2000. He got busted in Philadelphia after he’d secured a job working security for Republican National Convention, but before he’d executed his plan to hang a protest banner at the event decrying U.S. military policy.
I too always root for the dog in the Aesop fable with the bone in his mouth that barks at himself reflected in the water (thereby losing both bones) and will naively reprint press releases from that dog's agent attempting to justify that decision.
Bedard: "Weren't you pissed off?"
Cabbie: "Quite the opposite, in fact."
Why use actual quotes when you can just stare at a picture and determine they clearly never fucked.
Even if an accommodation isn't covered under ADA, that doesn't mean it's not the decent thing to do, kwim? Moving dog or passenger to a different area is just good customer service.
Kyrie is a great player because of season 3 Saved by the Bell. He is the AC Slater of the Cavs, because House and J-bug know Adam Carrolla is secretly the funniest man in Hollywood. No one denies this! I know this because my dad took me to see Larry Bird play. Real fans of Kevin McHale know what I mean.
Jim Irsay: "If you ask me, I'm excited to have Frank Gore play for my Colts"
I don't think that's real. The context would imply someone who was quiet possessive but the grammar clearly does not.
My "gay lifestyle" is working 45 hours a week, coming home, hanging out with my longtime girlfriend while playing video games or watching tv and doing chores. On those rare occasions that we have time off together, we see movies, go to Capitals and Nationals games or sightsee.
The Lakers are 15-41.
And my mind went right to "WTF is Juice?"
Me too. I still refuse to pronounce it any other way, even after this.
"1 Thing I Think I Think... until the NFL tells me otherwise."