
Doctor: Bad news, Mr. Armstrong. Your cancer has metastasized.

"A fourth title for Belichick, making him the greatest coach of all time. (He definitely already is.)"

That's why you post a video in your Facebook feed, Russ, then nobody from the NFL will ever see it.

Thanks for that close-up. We really got a good view of the bead of sweat in Berman's philtrum.

Sherman and hot air can be a deadly combination. Just ask the residents of Atlanta

Why would God watch football when his son can't even win the quarterback job for the fucking Titans?

This isn't anything new. After Super Bowl XXV, Scott Norwood kept shaking his head and muttering "God hates FGs".

So what you're saying is that football coverage is refreshingly devoit of the horseshit mountain of sanctimony baby boomer writers shovel onto the rotting carcass of MLB?

If there is one thing Oklahoma is known for not doing well, it's executing.

him and the reporter are pretty close friends. he's the color commentator for home games and a local radio host who loves dirk.

"How do you people live with yourselves?"

You guys are losing your touch. It took 5 whole minutes before a Penn St. apologist came here screaming "HE REPORTED IT TO THE AUTHORITIES!"

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you're a Penn State fan.

The decision to vacate the wins was nearly two and a half years old, so it comes as no surprise that Penn State completely fucked it.

And it's pretty obvious you didn't even bother to Google me. Grew up in South Florida (Broward and Palm Beach counties). Worked at the Miami Herald for seven and a half years. Been on enough boats to know to wear a life jacket in case stuff like this happens. Spent plenty of nights on the phone with the U.S. Coast

I think we just found the case for Serial season 2.

"I hate their food, but using a business to help a community as well as make money is a generous and responsible use of resources."

Using a business to help a community as well as make money would involve things like "paying their employees a living wage". Or a full-time schedule with enough hours to pay the bills. Or

Oh, ok. Well, sorry for knowing the rules and telling you why it wasn't a catch. Go ahead and impotently rage more.

You can't be down by contact if you haven't kept control of the ball on the way to the ground. It's pretty cut and dried.

No, no, I don't think so. You lost today, but it doesn't mean you have to like it.