Cribbage Left

Jeez, you'd think some people were defending the holocaust the way they're brayed at for defending animal cruelty. Animal cruelty? The mule wasn't even "spray painted" in the clacking-can-of-red-enamel sense. It was covered in non-toxic paint and fed and watered properly. I agree that it may have been humiliated if WE

Shouldn't it be building 3.14159...? After the number pi? Anyone?

That joke died on stage...

ipv6 has 3.403×10^38 possible addresses. Standard Model (minus dark matter etc) has around 2.5 x 10^89. Up to 1x10^128 if you count various states of force carrier particles.

Oh I see that's beast. in space for some reason. I just assumed he would be hairless like the old comics. A decent wing commander movie woulda been cool though right?

Is that picture from some unmentioned Wing Commander movie? I'm totally psyched about 2011!

MATHFAIL! Someone doesn't understand the whole idea of scale. It you make something to scale, it should look the same at both sizes. That's why a scale model of a Ferrari looks the same as a real Ferrari, only smaller. This is just a stupid publicity stunt and what's worse, it perpetuates the stereotype that girls

I've been known to do a pretty great motorboat... I suck at sound effects though.

+1 for style.

Sigourney baby, you put the sex in sexagenarian... I want to be all up in that.

It's amazing how far they've come. I remember a couple of years ago when At&t wireless went bankrupt and was in danger of disappearing. I think that merger with Ciingular really did it some good.

This service has been absolutely amazing. The only downside is that you have to keep "mobile data" turned on which tends to eat some battery on my EVO. I have to keep it on for Visual Voicemail anyway so no big deal. All-in-all, completely worth it. I thought all service providers running android had this level of

These charts are WAAAY off. Those are 3G speeds listed in the chart on the left. My EVO has never gotten less than 6mbps anywhere in Los Angeles County. I hate to defend sprint but they're not as bad as you're saying.

Why wouldn't they want this video to get out? Everything is clean and gorgeous and the people have to be the most well-dressed I've ever seen outside of a black and white movie. Did you see that subway station? Not. One. Homeless person. Not one.

oh 4G. That's the feature that let's my HTC Evo get rid of all the nasty charging I did the night before.

Yeah, their master's name was Splinter. Good catch, you beat me to it.

"...When day and night are in balance." So it's coming out on the Equinox, March 20th right? That would be a pretty awesome clue.

It's a feature. You see the 13 inch Mac Book Pros are a simplistic take on the Mac Book Pro line. The 13 is meant to reduce the pixel clutter that has traditionally plagued "higher resolution" screens.