Cribbage Left

There was a company in Kansas that tried to test all of their beef for BSE but the government wouldn't let them do it. They invested in equipment and personnel but were told by the government (with heavy lobbying by the beef industry) they couldn't purchase or administer the tests. After a trial and appeal, the

Oh.... I thought "Dickproofing" meant something else.

This thing will be obsolete in 18 months.

I believe you mean your 486DX2 66. It ran at 66Mhz because it was the first cpu with a clock multiplier and it doubled the original 486DX's 33Mhz to 66Mhz.

I think this is because abortion clinics in New York don't actually call themselves "The New York Abortion Clinic." I had the same problem finding a trash removal company in my city only because they call themselves everything but trash removers.

I thought this is what we're aiming for.

I hear ya. I'm not a full-time musician so I can't really justify the price doubling but my musician friends all swear by the boutique headphone market. One of my buddies has spent over a grand on a pair which I have since forgotten the name of.

Yes! Etymotics! Me too. It's like a whole new world of sound opens up. Especially after the white worm ipod earbuds.


Please don't make me.

I have to admit these are pretty pricy for a set of earbuds. I must defend the idea of expensive buds however. I've owned the "cheapies" and the not-so-cheapies and if you're listening to 128bit mp3s then they really don't make any difference. If you've got something produced properly, in a losless format and in a

This isn't English class. You should probably take that up with your composition teacher.

Technically an egg is a gamete and not an "individual" cell. Haploid cells are not individually viable so they're not really considered a life form.

Wow, I thought turning in your Man-Card was rough.

12fps RAW? Wow that's amazing. That's basically shooting 6K video at 12fps! By Moore's law we should all be able to afford cinema quality cameras in a few years.

"...if you want it to float that'll be extra."

I find that I get a lot more smell related compliments from a $4 stick of deodorant than the hundreds of dollars of cologne sitting on my dresser. Also we manly men have to call it cologne (with a silent "g" no less) even though it's really just perfume that smells sort of like pine shavings. Or citrus if it has the

I was just going to type that. Um... carry on.

I suppose I could have researched it better. However, I have always had a theory that gay males will tend to overestimate their partners' penis size. I draw that hypothesis from the fact that objects always appear larger when close to the face and also when attempting to fit into relatively small openings. Does your

The problem with CF is that it's expensive to begin with an it has to be hand laid by a very experienced technician. Aluminum just gets sent through a CNC mill or a die press by a low paid worker. The cost difference can be astronomical depending on surface complexity.