Cribbage Left

I used to think the same thing. Why would directors and producers line up to pay such high rates for big name celebrities that (in most cases) can't act and ruin a perfectly good idea for a movie.

This set really illustrated the idea of Stephen J. Gould's (and I think Hegel/Engels') idea of "punctuated equilibrium". It just seems to vibrate for a while and nothing much happens, but suddenly WHAM! The shape changes drastically.

This is one trend I can definitely get behind...

Exactly!!! That is the only thing I envy my droid-having friends for. One more button would not have killed anyone.

I would buy an Android from them in a heartbeat. Not only for the camera but because Nokia is frickin' GREAT with updates.

Actually it was the ancient Sumerians who lived in Iraq that invented beer as far as historians can tell.

Was Oscar Meyer doing the photoshop? They made her skin look like hot dogs.

I don't like change. Change is bad. Bring back the timeline. I can't scroll back through stories. Help. HELP!!!!

If they won't sleep with me for my digital music, what hope do I have?

@CarrerCrytharis: It's not that you're wrong. You're not wrong. I just think you're missing the idea that some precocious 6-year old is coming up with these (sparingly) chucklesome ideas.

I have to say, the man is a connoisseur. I'm going to train intensively so that one day I can pick whores as well as Charlie Sheen does.

I too didn't realize this was taboo. I can't say I've ever cunnilinguated without analinguating to some degree.

If there's no penis, there's no real sex. I hate to say it but the male definition of sex is so tied in with the act of penetration that we tend to relegate everything else to the status of foreplay. I have talked to many of my friends who won't finish masturbating to all-girl porn. (Yes, it matters where you finish.)

@swimtwobirds: Fantastic. I applaud your work and theirs. As a news channel Al Jazeera is unparalleled.

@howdini: LOL! Conservatroll. I love it. It's so hard not to directly respond to a troll but oh so satisfying when they read what you wrote and can't respond in BOLDFACE!!!!

@Cribbage Left: Yeah, no thanks buddy. You I don't want your pamphlet. AIM is a corporate (Texaco, Union Carbide, Coors etc...) owned rag that reports right-wing conspiracy theories as if it were news.

Some (as yet unpromoted) commenters seem to think AlJazeera is a terrorist front organization. LOL

Didn't Kesha write a song about this?

@8thManOnTheMoon: I think it's because smart phones are a rather new market and that scumbags haven't really invested the resources to exploit them yet.

What. The. Fuck?