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@PintoBeans: I am laughing so hard picturing it right now. Thanks.

@PintoBeans: SWEET, some old lady's information! This is the best Christmas EVER!!!

A jab at the phallicly challenged Emily? Don't they have it rough enough with the toupees and sportscars?

@Blaze7s: Yeah I don't get it either. It reminds me of the condescending "oh good for him" reaction whenever someone gets beat up by a gay guy or looses a presidential election to a black guy.

What a stupid article. It totally ignored logic and math... and boners. Guys are better at boners too.

My faith in Space Horror is unwavering. All those who blaspheme against our genre are apostates! APOSTATES!!!!

@Apotheosis: It's funny you should say that. I used to work with a guy who once owned a theater in Los Angeles. He told me that people used to pay upwards of a Thousand bucks to buy "stag" movies before the advent of video. Not HQ 35mm either. Just plain old 8mm home made movies for use on private 8mm projectors could

I wish I could say that "I am Spartacus."

So Clark Kent's gotta wear all that under a suit everyday? Not very practical.

@alula: So-called "reputable journalism" and "reputable journals" don't exist. That's why we need things like wiki-leaks.

First of all, he has only been accused and, NOT CONVICTED. So quit acting like the guy's a rapist.

Wow, speaking of being thin and never letting go, that premise was waaay too meager for a 3 minute 29 second video.

@AwokeKnowing: 25fps is where our persistence of vision kicks in. That's where sequential pictures melt into the illusion of motion...

@albertotorresr.1001: It's from Robocop 2. They're trying to make more robocops but the subjects keep going insane. They eventually stabilize the subject with a highly addictive drug... hijinx ensue.

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Every time those poor guys fell I kept seeing this in my head.

It's just me doing some pushups guys. No big deal.

Justin Beiber and Edward Furlong DID WHAT???!

She should be retooled as an up and coming blogger on the payroll of some Manhattan media firm... maybe she could work for you guys here at Jez.