Cribbage Left

On a lighter note.

@Anrkist: Let's toss that sun into the harbor! ...and maybe have a picnic while we're there.

Dude that is WAY too much work to get a nice warm place to sleep for a night. When the time comes, I'm just gonna gut a tauntaun and make due.

@GetRevenge32: Thank you. This is why the Olds hate our generation.

@Annalee Newitz: As a Persian man I can assure you that the above image does not qualify as a "giant" dick where we come from *rimshot*

@Annalee Newitz: Balls eh? That would go perfect with these dick tombstones from Iran.

There Will Be FACEPALM.

Wrong again Nevins, It's TITS! Tits and a hula skirt. EVERYTHING IS TITS!

Lamest LARP ever!

@Egoscarfed: YES! Somehow "overproduced" has come to mean "revolutionary". I don't even think they mean industry-changing revolution. They mean full on Che Guevara revolucion! Like she's changing the world! One stupid meat outfit at a time.

@Egoscarfed: Affirmative Egoscarfed. Affirmative.

I don't get the hate. Her music sucks; but then, any music these damn kids listen to nowadays sucks according to my old-man ears.

This is an ABSOLUTE fabrication. As a totally hot guy, I get so few job interviews that... oh... I see.

@tempfancy: where's slave Leia? She usually helps balance out this "vision".

I nearly lost my shit when Brock was running back to the party with his knife. That scene was actually... beautiful.

@blueeddie: lol. yeah. but what has the switch done for us LATELY?

ewww.Bottom row middle looks cute. The rest are somewhat regrettable.