Cribbage Left

@Torchwood: I had to chisel my programs into the walls of my cave-puter. And it was all ROM back then so once you filled up the memory, you had to move to another CAVE!! Porn was like impossibly slow to download back then and don't even get me started on the pterodactyls...uphill BOTH ways...

@AmazingMillipedeMan: OH SHAZBOT!!! I just bit the nostalgia sandwich HARD! I cut my sister's eyebrow with one of those and I lost computer priveleges for two freaking months.

Does it have a separate opening for the marinade or do you just pour it on the baby?

They should have put a wig on Ed Asner and let him play Granny. Thanks to the cartoons, his voice is so ingrained with the character that I just can't accept that lady that plays her in the pictures.

@Andy Neil: Yes, Steel's name was completely ironic. The DC writers showed their true mettle on that one.

Damn, I got goose-bumps reading the Hulk paragraph. It distilled everything wrong with BOTH franchises so perfectly.

How will she find time to bake and knit if she's hosting a TV show? And who will make preserves? WHOM?

@Mishegoss: I was just thinking that!

I don't see a human/bat hybridization genetics lab? How will things run amok without a human/bat hybridization lab? The whole thing just seems so half-baked without a...

When they finally make a movie about this, and they will make a movie about this, I hope they change all the characters to caucasians. They're just so much more relatable.

It seems like all he needs is to sync up more cameras to it. He doesn't any more kinects.

I like to "mitigate" the risk by using my plug-in headphones. But I found out that phone manufacturers always use them as an auxiliary antennas when you plug them in. Why? It's seems like I'm getting enough microwave on my balls from the phone in my pocket; I don't need to zap my ears when I'm bumping that new Ke$ha

I believe it is disrespectful not to use his full proper name: Gary Motherfucking Oldman.

99.6% accuracy for 6.7 billion people means that it'll only confuse you for about 27 MILLION other people. good enough for government work i guess.

@Famout: It's actually pretty easy to see without a ruler. Just look at the grid behind both of the triangles. The corresponding squares don't look the same.

@Famout: It's an optical illusion really.


Wow. Great article. It was short and to the point and I felt totally rewarded by the hook title.