Cribbage Left

@Jones Foyer: Thank you. This was a great thing to learn today.

It's stupid to say that women don't enjoy sex. It's quite another thing to say that they don't enjoy it with the same ferocity as gay men. Charming as ever that English poof.

Robot tuners? They have those now? When I was a kid we had to tune guitars with whale bones. And if we wanted lighting effects we had to use the blubber to light our guitars on FIRE!

KK's new album will sound awesome. It will be very bASS heavy.

Justin Long is sexy. I would totally bro-actively bro-mulgate a relationship with him. In a straight way of course. For instance I could easily see myself high-fiving him all night.

@ApproBAT: Whoa. Why does superman need a lightcycle? He flies faster than the speed of light.

@Frequenter: Noy Warriez Might! Oy got noy beef with you.

@yandereboat: Thanks for the backup bro. ;) you have been duly hearted.

@Frequenter: Australia couldn't wipe its own but without American backing. /trolling

God damn EVO drains batteries like a trophy wife drains bank accounts. I had to buy a stupid bulky piece of crap battery ($10 on ebay) which works great but looks like poo. POOOOOO!

@Dancing Milkcarton: You mean simply expanding their net income (which they've slowly worked up to during 35 years of existence) by only 25% in 18 months? Easy! I bet they do it before thanksgiving.

@danielblakes: I know, I tried making one last week and it was quite an ass-pain.

The most glaring contradiction in this article:

Good. I effing hated BSG so much that by mere association hated Caprica even more. Not only because it was a prequel, but because it was a prequel to a pile of steaming shit. I never watched it and now, never have to hear about it on this venerable site. Good riddance to bad cancer.

The link to:

Seriously how am i the only one seeing this?

Great, I just peed my bed laughing! Thanks dude. Excellent.

Lenin SMASH!

@FrankN.Stein: I think you're right. The silicon looses its semiconducting properties once it gets too hot. Still there's no reason why we can't find something that's a perfect semiconductor at 800 degrees celsius.