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Hermes bags yes, but not Rolex watches.

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Oh yeah, this was on New Yankee Workshop a while back:

@MsStressa: I'm sorry for your loss. I would still try to cheer you up if you were mascara-faced all over the place.

@BrilliantCorners: I'm not saying don't cry. I'm not even saying don't cry in public. I'm just saying it's okay for people to console you if you're snot-crying in public.

@leslieannelevine: Just because everything in your life is making you cry so often, and you don't have the basic human wherewithal to find somewhere private to go, doesn't mean you should take it out on Snapple. They make many fine products and my post was 24 Karat pure awesome. Eat it.

@SylviaPlathWasFramed: Insert link to jpeg-of-a-person-showing-you-their-middle-finger here because you're such an asshole it's not worth me googling it right now.<<<

@KungfuKid: No, I'm a boy who watched way too much television as a kid. I don't think anyone should trust me.

@footnotegirl: Ok, I completely understand if you're on the metro or in an elevator. I didn't mean to make light. I'm just saying that if you're balling your eyes out on a park bench or in an office full of people and you really don't want to be consoled, you could maybe go somewhere more private.

@Joyness00: Jesus, thanks. That's all I really wanted to do with this comment. I'm being lambasted by people who actually hate snapple . Hate it. It comes in too many varieties to hate.

@dear.daisy1: I can understand if we're in an elevator and you start crying once the doors close, there's nowhere to go. If you're huddled in a hallway crying, honey, you need to pull yourself together. There's places you can go, even in today's hustle-bustle world, that you can be alone.

@Alpine Joe: ...also, Jet Li is tiny. I ran into him once at the Ralph Lauren store. He's like 5'4", 5'5" tops.

If you're crying in public, you want attention. Simple as that. Girls that bawl quietly in a bathroom stalls don't want to be bothered... trust me.

Anything good about the brother? That was kinda kinky for a while...

Owow, I didn't even realize that wasn't Kevin Conroy. It was a great movie and you've done a fantastic writeup. This is why I always come to io9.

I was getting drunk at the venue bar before a yeahyeahyeahs concert (this was before you even knew who they were, i swear) and a girl who I'd been flirting with told me that she was going to "rape" me. She said it just like that too. "I'm going to rape you."

This article is science. I almost died yesterday checking out a hot jogger in short shorts. I can't remember why, but I just couldn't look away until it was almost too late.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be upset that the (rather unmistakable) lyrics of the band you paid to go see, were printed on the T-shirt of a concert-goer you ran into.

With the cheap flash animation, why can't this show do a proper production run of 23 episodes? Was that because of the pilot season?

@Smeagol92055: With enough contrast, we can save the earth from these alien bastards.