Cribbage Left

BAD Floppy Drive. BAD! Look what you did! Now who's gonna clean that up? Huh? Look at me!

@PortraitHat: That is how you pull the strings... to my heart.

If CNN really wants to compete with Fox, they need to switch to an all-cgi-parody format.

This just gave me a raging PHONER!!

@truthtellah: Didn't he die in the 19th century? Did he mean channel like man-made river?

Holy shit!... That's exactly what all the first-semester photography students used to do when I went to college. Smoothe* everything over and up the contrast. UP THE CONTRAST!!!

Wow ladies. Way to objectify a hard-working actor into meat-parts. I thought feminism brought us past these things...

This needs to be a James Bond script.

About few years ago me and five of my friends went bar-hopping on Hallowe'en dressed like the reservoir dogs. Wherever we'd show up, there was a great reaction and the ladies were all over our group. We had sworn a pact never to take off our sunglasses so I was having trouble seeing. At one bar there was a demure

@W10002: Because we're paying for the heat! It's like the soy sauce at a chinese restaurant: I won't use it if it's there but if they somehow forget, there's hell to pay.

@Sent from my toilet: Wait. Is that where the term "Apple of my eye" comes from?

I squinted through the sunset glare as I made my way to the loungers overlooking the beach. I was already buzzed and had to carefully walk past the hotel pool with the tray full of drinks I had made away with.

Pompadours are OK? This must be the work of Ayatolla Rocknrolla. He must have taken over after Mulla Mullet was forced to "retire."

It sounds like an homage to "Laurie Anderson" and Zappa more than a ripoff of Kesha and MIA.

Futurama is one big epic ode to mindless, uncreative, hack writing. The show's writers have STILL not properly learned to utilize the ONE outstanding gimmick that is unique to their show alone. THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT! Anything!

@Mike Fulton: well said. I was just about to rave about this too but you laid it out perfectly.

@marlowespade: here here. Him and Jack Vance need more props.

I hope Wes Anderson directs and there's some Wilson brothers in it. Color me stoked!!!