
A company headed by an outspoken asshole in a conservative country isn’t going to find any problems with any of her political messaging... excepting that whole “better pay” thing, of course.

I’m not arguing that they shouldn’t be more respectful with regards to world-wide media releases, but Japan is gonna do Japan and to hell with everybody else. When is the last time you’ve seen a gay character in a popular anime or game release who wasn’t also a gross, handsy molester disgustingly played up for laughs?

You’re forgetting that those are actually popular opinions in Japan. Even assuming that they know she does/says TERFy bullshit, they definitely do not care.

I don’t personally care about a game running over 30fps myself, but knowing that it’s built on UE4 and isn’t capable of a higher framerate on current hardware or compatible with the PS4/XBone consoles (which have over 100 if not hundreds of UE4 games available on them), this just reeks of sloppy development.

That’s a naïve take. Sure, those low-level devs get paid during the creation of a game, but if that game doesn’t sell well and management doesn’t get their happy fun time circle jerk bonuses, *they lay off all those low-level devs* so management can still pocket as much as possible for themselves.

Apologies for using an incorrect term... Deflection? Redirection?

That’s some strawman bullshit. If you want that to be your argument, then using your own logic, you can’t be upset about people working in miserable conditions in Asian sweatshops because they can at least afford some semblance of food and shelter, while there are starving children and women having forced genital

You forgot the sin of “pooping.”

Is there any logical reason they shouldn't?

I can’t even believe that in 2022 there actually still exists someone *so sexist* that they think women can’t play goddamn **board games** as well as the big, strong, chest-thumping, beer-belching men.

FFXI (the first online one) was so bad it made me quit playing the franchise altogether.

That’s actually a good point... they may be raising prices in Sept just so they can “discount” them back to normal in Nov/Dec for the holidays to make people *think* they're getting a good deal.

How does this only have 2 stars?  (Well, 3 now.)

Not what’s technically happening here, though “priced to high” can be easily inferred so I’m not going to argue too much. The issue is mainly that PS has removed the ability to use digital game codes purchased from other vendors (which is something that can still be done on Xbox and Steam), meaning that Sony holds a

In SR4, the Bos—sorry, the President was omnisexual. You could have sex with everyone in your crew, including a floating robot sphere drone.

Not to be left out, popular manga publisher Shonen Jump has plunged into the video game pool as well with a crossover game of its own.”

Maybe a video game lobby should start buying off politicians?

Right? I’d heard of the leak stating Gizmo and Stripe were coming before the game even went into open beta, and I was (and still am) all friggin’ for it!

Sony does NOT own Spider-Man, they own the *movie rights* to Spider-Man, period. Everything else has been Sony paying money to developers to keep him off other platforms, like in the Avengers game.

MS’s studios created those IPs. Sony did not create Spider-Man.