Crewman Number Six

We have nowhere to go but up.

Eh, I think Bannon as Reaper gives him too much "cool." It worked for Cheney because, like it or not, Cheney WAS an evil genius, and the specter of death fit both his personality and the results of his agenda.

I love that idea, too, though I'd change it to Bannon banging Ivanka. I have a feeling that would hit a little closer to home for Daddy.

No. No it's nothing like that. This guy drove himself hard for 8 years in service to this country. Like him or not, he's earned his time. He has no official power, he would be distracting as hell if he spoke up now (it's time for us to be looking at Congress and asking them to fight), and he is undoubtedly mentally

Because it takes for-freaking-ever to get a taxi when you're not standing in front of a hotel or club, and fighting off the competition with a stick.

I loved him on American Idol, he broke that show for me. But his choices since, other than Queen (which, old lady that I am, I will probably have to go see), have left me cold.

Yep. Greatest argument for the numbing effect of gradually increasing pain. I chuckled almost fondly at him.
And I loathed that guy; now he just feels like doofy cousin Dubya, being his old doofy self. How far we have fallen.

Exactly. Very funny, and yet felt nauseated and sad after.

I have always believed the way you do, and still try to—not sure if I would be the one to do the punching. BUT:

So, you expect them to vote against those appointees? Is that the plan? (not being confrontational, I'm sincerely asking—I haven't seen anyone indicating there is some overarching strategy at work here.)

But they don't have the POWER to block one. That's the maddening thing here! They are almost completely without power, and the only thing they have is a protest vote, some sign that they recognize that some of these appointees are batshit choices, and…nothing.

Yeah, I can't see any strategy or intelligence in it, and frankly, I find it appalling. It's not about purity, it's about making a statement about basic qualifications for a position—what gain is there in casting your approval? As opposed to making the statement that some of these people are insults to the integrity

I just upvoted Buzz. This is the power of MTM. Cheers, Buzz! :)

….you might want to consider watching a show with different protagonists. It doesn't sound like you're having much fun here at all.

Oh, SING IT. Yes. The fact that people think the answer to subpar public schools is to bail the F out of them and leave them to fester, drives me crazy. Consistent curriculum, education delivered to all in equal measure, is essential to a self-determining public. Which is exactly why it is neglected by the powers that

Going to the one in San Francisco. Gonna get rained on, won't care. My friend is knitting a bunch of pussy hats for us to wear (I don't know, I can't picture it either).

There aren't many commentariats out there right now that I still want to read—so much stupidity and vileness, on both sides—so, regardless of whether it meets pop culture purity standards, I'm kind of grateful to have somewhere where the political discourse is mostly civil, and still mixed with pun runs.

Upvoted simply because that was fun to read.

It's like watching a bunch of your silliest friends put on a show. It's worth the effort tracking down Seeso. Though I'm not sure if I'll stay for other stuff.

I've only seen him on CBB, but reading the review I thought, this is definitely a guy meant to be watched while high. Sounds like a plan!