Crewman Number Six

I'm old enough to have had that album. (!) Thanks for that, helps the pain.

Read that in his voice, and now I'm happy.

Dude has been shaped and smoothed by agents, managers, and marketers since he was a 13 year old phenom. I'm not sure there's a whole lot of authentic anything in the picture we get of LeBron James, but it's a well put together picture, that's true.

I am very much not a LeBron fan. Like, in the extreme. But this is foul, and between this shite and the noose in the Smithsonian, it's hard not to just chuck all hope for America out the window.

My Sweet Lord has a first chorus with Hallelujahs, then a subsequent one with the Maha mantra. Not a remake.

If you don't think that this causes Barack Obama significant pain and anger, then you're either willfully ignorant or insane. This is a dismantling of some of his life's work.

This sentence made me happy.

It might not mitigate the outcome for Jimmy, but it would paint Chuck in a very bad light in front of the bar association, damaging his precious reputation, which would make Chuck very, very unhappy.

I love Cirie too and would love to see her win, but her weakness in physical challenges leave her vulnerable to getting picked off by default when someone else wins immunity. Just hard to imagine her BSing this group all the way to the final 3. But if she does, I think she's a lock.

It's middling.

Yes, I really want to watch it, but I've read the book and seen the movie and god…sigh…so depressing, esp now.

Point taken, and there is still so much unresolved that drawing any conclusion is foolish. But if we're betting? I'm still willing to wager this one pans out as having real and lasting negative consequences, not just for the US and Iraq but for the world. Time will tell.

Eh, I think the long term repercussions of the invasion of Iraq are still being realized, and are far too premature for conclusion—the level of destabilization and chaos it has engendered, and the potential for it resulting in all-out world conflict, may make it one of the most disastrous decisions in modern history.

Big difference between "illegal" and "nefarious." IRS only cares that he reports his income and pays his taxes according to the law. The curiosity about the returns has more to do with the sources of his income, where his debt lies, and what connections can be made to Russian/Ukrainian criminals (i.e. Putin and crew)

Excellent comment/username synergy.


Because, after all, it's those OTHERS who are holding you back in the first place!!

A weird and sadly appropriate analogy.

Yes! This. His opinions run an inch deep and he has little knowledge or background to support them when challenged.

The August Lindt episode is probably my #1 favorite podcast ep of all time. Every moment of that thing is gold.