Crewman Number Six

That's a good song.

I'd love to see the Pacific Union formed: California, Oregon, Washington. We'd have an enormous economy, could raise most of our own food (sorry northwest, that means you'd have to share water with us southerners), could spend some of our resources on our own people, live in a nice comfy liberal bubble…just float away

Possibly; but keeping up with shutting them down is a larger task for bureaucracy than it seems. Lots of moving parts.

In all sincerity: please explain to this sad old person what gothy/shoegazy means. "Gothy" I can parse, but throw shoes in there and I get all fuzzy.

The solution isn't to crack down on the installations themselves, but to crack down on people hosting massive parties/shows there. Let the artists have their cheap live/work spaces, but inflict massive penalties on organizers who try to cram hundreds of people into them. There will still be impact on the community,

Oh. Goody.

Nope, but we're all still talking about f'ing Jill Stein, aren't we? And raised a few million bucks so she could stay in the spotlight just a little while longer.

Perfect cap to a great movie. A completely powerless and pointless act of frustration and impotent rage. Just perfect.

Well, theoretically, in most states that don't require identification at the polls, it would be possible to come in and vote in place of anyone on the registry, as well.
You can "impersonate" anyone at the polls almost as easily as you can through a mail-in vote. But in reality, it really doesn't happen that much, in

Do you really believe that essentially continuing the status quo was more dangerous than putting that guy in office? Because every living Republican president didn't—they all refused to vote for him, or voted for Clinton. That is UNPRECEDENTED in recent history. A good number of Republican politicians did the same—for

NO. It boils down to policy, really: if you think Trump is "an asshole" (man, is that an understatement) but you're ok with most of his policies, then by all means vote for him. I was unenthusiastic about Clinton as a politician, but a good number of her policies were ones I either endorsed or could live with, so I

When you're talking about national politics, you HAVE to lump people together. People vote in coalitions, and you can't speak knowledgeably or plan strategically unless you think in terms of groups, not individuals.

Except that the "broken, powerless" system you dismiss just put a dangerous man in a position of significant power. It worked just fine for him and his supporters. It's incredibly shortsighted to maintain that it's ineffective—it may be flawed, it may not fix the problems it should, but as a means to put certain

That is the best description I've seen yet, of how I feel. Thanks for the much-needed laugh.

Warren's an outstanding Senator, a great voice for reform, and a very weak campaigner. She's got little charisma, is an average speaker, and isn't very good face to face. Not going to happen.

1) Thank you for your reasoned reply. Your previous tone of scorn and dismissiveness doesn't serve your argument nearly as well as this more moderate approach.

Serious question, though asked only because current events are so disorienting that they have deleted my usual instinct to not engage: what exactly do you think, other than identity politics, drove all those white people to vote for Trump?
Do you not see the logical disconnection between claiming that "we" started

Republicans have been winning college educated whites for years. They have the money. They want to protect the money. Republicans can help them with that. Therefore, Republican. Not a shock—the shock is losing the working-class whites, who always tended Democratic, until their unions went away, then their jobs, and

Not just a possibility, it's a likelihood. He'll get Scalia's replacement, as republicans will block Obama's nominee, and has a decent shot at at least two others, depending on how long he's in office.
This was the breaking point for me; I can tolerate whatever havoc he can wreak for the next four years, but he can

That's my main problem with the guy. His unlikeable ways of late just make it easier to avoid his movies. Not into his almost grotesque fascination with gore and extreme violence, and his simplistic, children's-catechism view of the human condition.