Crewman Number Six

I had the pleasure of bringing my 15 year old nephew to the big screen re-release. Since it's one of my all-time favorites, I was afraid he'd find it dated or unconvincing. Nope: on the edge of his seat the whole time, and dialed into every moment. It really does hold up well, esp on the big screen where it belongs.

No offense.

I've used that one countless times during this election cycle. Because, really. It's the only way to be sure.


*not gonna last

I watch this and the original because…uh…I don't know. Every week I ask myself the same question, because it is indeed a complete shitshow, and impossibly dumb. But, a good friend watches it with me, it's sort of a social habit at this point, and every now and again, it gets off a compelling moment or two.

Or, you're writing a recap with analysis, dummy.

Old person pulling herself out of her chair to respond (because you damn kids never listen to me!): the key is, it's never going to happen. Because it's already happening. This IS your real life. And the longer you focus on tomorrow as the day all your dreams come true, the more time you lose to relish the awesomeness

What TV coverage?

Try your local credit union. They usually have decent rates and tend to be a bit more community-friendly and transparent (ish), with fewer gotcha fees etc.

Ironic, isn't it?

No, the Japanese kind look like mushrooms.

Yeah, but then that panda got fat and greedy so they shipped him to Boston.

Yeah, I have to say I'm a little disappointed that they're going to resolve the question. I know there must be a contingent of viewers that really want to know, but for me, part of the beauty of the show is in trying to take all these people as they are, in need of forgiveness and redemption, no matter the crime (or

Question asked and answered in your last sentence.

LaCroix, baby spew, LaCroix, baby spew…! Look at it!

YES. He was a weak douche (diluted?), but she was absolutely soul-crushing. Her OCD and barely masked rage was a wonder to behold, and over the first few years he completely shriveled under her.

That immediate news (or, tbh, rumor mongering and news) thing is why Twitter still seems relevant or useful. We had huge fires in my area last year, affecting many friends and family, and it was extremely useful to follow updates on evacuations and the spread of the fires in the moment, something that local news was

Good movie.

I'm torn between respecting the rigor, and wanting to kill myself reading the minutiae that so consume these guys that they're willing to engage in the eye-poking and pinching above. Nonetheless, kudos to all those willing to care so much, so that I can learn with confidence about London's problem with poo.