Crewman Number Six

Fell in love with Geek Love with the first sentence. Sorry to hear she's gone, but she'll live on in that strange and fun book.

AR is my go-to for sleepless nights. I keep a few stored in the DVR at all times, and if my head is keeping me up, 15-20 minutes will get me to sleep no problem. Love it.

Seriously, I'm a grown damn woman, and I laughed with involuntary delight a half dozen times watching this. Excellent waste of time, internet.

I can't imagine replaying that experience. It was as you said, complete in itself, utterly wrenching and exhausting.

Ugh, that Night Gallery episode…"It was a female…and females lay eggs…" First thing I thought of, too.

Of which there are not nearly enough! Love those.

Yes! While being dismissive in the most disinterested and oblique way possible, which would drive the mean girl in Vaseline crazy.

Except that your premise isn't quite right—the high cost of American health care goes beyond the source of funding. Even if we equated (fallaciously) the cost of premiums with the cost of taxes (for a public system) the overall cost of care is still substantially higher due to unbelievable gouging at all levels, with

Yes, lovely song and a great addition.

Yes! Much more passion all around, though I would agree that Neeley sometimes veers into whiny territory.

I like the movie soundtrack better, better tempo imho. Carl Anderson rules.

I would challenge you to demonstrate that the average person on the street, perhaps the average Russell Brand fan (if there is such a thing) has the first idea of what actually caused their economic lives to go to shit in 2008. The best you'd get out of most Americans is that it had something to do with banks, and,


Because he's Josh. He doesn't know how he feels, he's fixated on "doing what's right," and struggles mightily when it comes to stuff like that.

Yes. This show has been pretty sure-handed thus far, so I'm willing to relax and trust where it's going, but I can't seem to find a thematic place for the flashbacks yet, and I'm generally mystified by their presence.

Unfortunately for humanity and art, I don't think she's much of a drinker.

AMEN to that.

Loved both of the Superego forgotten classics, but kind of bummed that they haven't done another one. Only two? Ever?

I just got home from that game—what a fantastic experience. I'm all out of voice. Seriously, the NBA is without a doubt the most joyous fan experience out there.

I think she's embraced it. I just ordered my M'Boogie (#21!) Shrimps t-shirt, and will wear it proudly, in spite of the fact that no one I will ever meet will know what it means.