Crewman Number Six

Regardless of the source material, this show was too short. I read the book what seems like a gazillion years ago, and have been watching the show on its own merit, and it's underdone. There is so much more potential in each character, their relationships, their adventures…everything seems a bit too rushed through,

Comedian and sketch character dude, probably most well known in these parts for his appearances on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast.

I was absolutely in the same place through the first 3-4 episodes, but hung on because everybody here was talking up the final stretch of episodes…and I was rewarded with an extremely satisfying experience. Definitely watch season 1 first.

Well! That was unexpected.

I'll happily accept any of them winning over Modern Family.

Yeah, I'm not sure that you're going to get any happier…the Martha stuff definitely gets more compelling, but it doesn't lighten up much.

Agreed; I'm giving it more time because season 1 was great. This season so far has been almost off-putting in its inconsistency.

I'm not sure he gets saddled with the worst dialogue; I think it's more that he just can't carry it like some of the other actors. The dialogue in this show is always in danger of being cheesy in the extreme, and it takes some considerable skill to pull it off without sounding ridiculous. Vaughn comes across like a

I have to say, that was something that sort of seemed like BS to me: if this is a woman who is a busy enough lawyer that she's traveling around for business for days at a time—enough to have earned the resentment of her family—I would think she'd be equally stoked as her husband to have someone around to cook and

I've told everybody I know (who has Amazon Prime, which, damn you segmented media environment) how great this show is, I'm glad it's getting at least some attention here. I love the rhythms of discovery as this couple gets to know one another: they do a great job of taking us along on the waves of hope and horror

She has a magnificent belly laugh.

Fair enough. I'll concede the accessibility point, but I'll still cling to Deadwood for sheer swoon-age.

I'd argue Deadwood for tops in the language department, but you're right, Justified is absolutely great in banter and rhythm.

I don't think I understand this world anymore.

She's one half (with Jessica Chaffin) of "Ronna and Beverly," who can be found on their podcast of the same name, and you can usually find her somewhere in a Paul Feig movie. She's great.

Jamie Denbo is a national treasure.

Yeah, except that many actual humans never demonstrate real growth—it's more interesting in terms of having a character arc to follow, but it's kind of refreshing to have someone who, like many people, just rotates around the same set of personality defects without ever really changing.

Holy crap I never made that connection!
Well, there's still time for OITNB to do something similar to Healy…

It's a reference to all that gliding on top, all that furious paddling underneath.

I think it's in-character, as he's most definitely been willing to do pretty much anything to win the throne, and has been the red witch's bitch for some time. But I do agree that the show would have benefited from two minutes less Dorne and two more minutes showing him agonizing, laying out more clearly his path to