Crewman Number Six

Yeah, the sets are gorgeous. It's mostly the Sand Snakes, for me—like 3 porn actresses doing their best fantasy scenes. Not even amusing, just…weak.

So glad you checked in with your Oracle experience, I was hoping to hear what you thought—it's an amazing event, even the regular season games are cathartic in the extreme…and while the two thousand dollar price tags have kept me at home for the finals, my heart's right there, high-fiving you and screaming at full

This is surprisingly accurate.

I'd agree with you more if about half the comments to this point—and in past Amy-related articles—weren't all about her relative fuckability and how it relates to her value.

It was great, but it was tempered for me by the fact that it was the Sparrows that bested her, and not one of the more palatable players in the game. The only thing I hate more than a scheming, selfish, cruel aristocrat is a scheming, selfish, cruel religious fanatic.

He needs to do that, if he hasn't had the chance yet. Worth every penny: the incredible energy of the Oracle crowd, the way the players and the crowd whip each other up, the cathartic release of roaring at the top of your lungs and dancing with total strangers, in reaction to those amazing human beings doing those

It was the first thing I watched on my new 4k TV. Very interesting examination of artistic self-expression through the medium of food, and oh, the gorgeous food porn! literally brought tears to my eyes, it was so beautiful.

Exactly. Start with variation, go light, go firmer, go direct, go offset…and LISTEN. 90% of helping a woman come (you're not "making" her do anything) is listening to and feeling her responses, and moving ahead according to what she's responding to. And once she gets close, be consistent, because that helps, too.

Yeah, the part's small, but if she still has pipes, she'll sell it, as it's a big song.

You're right about the cynicism, and while I can agree with the opinion that she never equalled the consistent quality of JLP, she did some very fine writing in her subsequent work. People scoff at her catalog post-JLP, but taken as a whole, it's a remarkably honest journal of someone's personal evolution. JLP's

I'll love Alanis Morissette forever for this album; it felt like a revolution when it came out. I saw her on this tour, one of the most energetic and engaged concerts I've ever been to, standing in the Greek theater in Berkeley with 8500 other chicks singing every song at the top of our lungs, and Alanis allowing it

I was entranced by AOT, but did find myself oddly uncomfortable with the tone. Maybe it was just reflexive recoiling from the combination of Japanese and German militaristic themes, and the "outside threat devouring the people" thing, but there was something that just felt off about it. I'm not an anime person (my

Lol, yes, thank god! Enjoy it while it lasts; it's more fun than hitting 50 and realizing you don't know shit. :)

ehh, maybe. I tend to think that, if you think you have the whole world figured out by the age of 24…you're 24.

NOPE. :)


I too felt a bit too much retread in the beginning, but felt they hit a better rhythm with the advice segment and some of the looser interactions. I'm going to give it a bit more time, because I love St. Clair and Parnham, but am hoping they move past the background stuff and find a hook for the characters to work

Yes, I was initially hollering NO NO NO when he was fondling her, thinking no freaking way did I want to see that, after all he's done. But then she was "Just so you know, I'm gonna kill you later, but sure, I'll take some in the meantime" and that made it ok. She's still a badass.

I'm carrying an irrational resentment of All Things Coloradan, as my sister moved there a few years ago, and loves it, and WON'T COME HOME. Stupid lovely state.

(But since this is an odd number year, we're not scheduled to win until next year, so rock on)