Crewman Number Six

This whole thread is everything that is great and horrible about the AVC comments sections.

Fiona's my favorite character on the show, and between Emmy Rossum's excellent performances and the general realism of her character's decline, I've been able to tolerate the BS. But god, I'm so tired of the "Fiona loves X so so much, now she loves Y so so much, nope, she really loves Z so so much…" I get it that

My most uncomfortable moment is at the end of Gethsemane, when Jesus sings "Just watch me die!" and they cut to various classical paintings of the crucifixion, there are a few depictions of the onlookers with the stereotypical huge, hooked noses, and it just feels…ick. That's the only part where I step back and

Chess is a great musical, unfortunately not particularly stage-able. Though I think somebody could probably make a decent movie out of it, if anyone thought money could be made from it. It's incredibly fun to to sing, though. Chess, Evita, and JCS are all at the top of my list of ways to kill a couple of hours on a

Two things, etc.

Finally saw What We Do In The Shadows. Loved it, the 13 year old nephew loved it, audience around us loved it. Just silly, good natured fun, with some great laugh out loud lines. I wouldn't call it a world-class comedy, it's like a junior version of a Christopher Guest movie, but well worth the price of seeing it

I'm on ep 10 and can understand your feelings. These are definitely real people who have held onto secrets and shadows for a long time, and it shows in their rationalizations and self protection. But as the show unfolds, it does become easier to take sides. I wouldn't say this is top-notch TV (the story is all just a

Kayla—had to laugh at your reflexive reaction to Mia Kirshner; as soon as I saw her I thought, "ack, JENNY!" A very good actress inextricably tied to an impossibly grating character.

I think part of it is his arrogance and hunger for power are now being fed a hearty red meat diet. No place better to create a monster than the oval office, and it's easy to see him conflate his power with infallibility.


I've seen TBT pix of him at age 7 wearing bow ties. It's genuine.

That's what I loved about the post, the thought of Nick Kroll sitting there watching Survivor. Not sure I can see Poehler doing it, but who knows?

Nick Kroll posted an Instagram declaring Rodney as the Boston Bobby Bottleservice. So perfect, all the way down to his hot mom.

This is the first Hatesong article I've ever been able to tolerate, because it's just a lighthearted review of how a person turns on a song due to context rather than some douchey rant.

Awww, good times.

12 year old me used to act out "Prophet's Song" with great dramatic fervor. My brother and I still go Garth and Wayne on that song in the car, it is such perfect theater.

That kind of lightly batshit business just makes me love this show.

When I saw this episode, I thought, I'm going to go on AVC in a bit and see pages of solutions to this thing.

I hated the character until she started tormenting Frank. At which point I thought, yeah, Sammi can stay as long as her sole purpose is to make Frank's life a living hell.

I'm not sure Martin Short needs money; I think he just needs attention.