Crewman Number Six

Perhaps, but doesn't "she was adopted by a NA family and then wholeheartedly rejects it for white privilege" come even closer to an uncomfortable idea? By creating such an implausible and ridiculous backstory, we enter the realm of the absurd, which doesn't easily receive sociological criticism.

I agree with the reviewer that, if this show was attempting to seriously address "passing" as an issue, they're not doing it right. But…comedy. It's patently ridiculous, not played for any credible reality at all, and the only emotion it attempts to evoke is the exaggerated, silly sorrow from "I love you….buddy."

Yes, you should! Go as slowly as you can, because there are not enough episodes and you will be sad when they're done.

Yeah, Resurrection was silly and added nothing, but it was at least sort of fun. 3 was just dark and grim and incomprehensible. And disappointing.

Yes! Like a smiling idiot.

Theme song gets a chair dance, every time. Instant joy.

Suddenly, reading all this, I'm feeling that it's just too much to lose Harris Wittels AND Parks and Rec in one week. Too much.

That teaching is easy (teaching well is certainly not easy)
That is pretty well paid (it's a moderately paid job at best for degreed/credentialed professionals, with a ceiling, and lots of extra unpaid work—with entire segments of the population telling you you're overpaid and underworked)
That it's the highest

There is so much wrong in this post I don't know where to start. But I see radcake has it covered, so I'll just say, bravo to your not attempting to pursue teaching as a career. Even Florida deserves better.

I think maybe I'd rather swallow hot coals.

That's MISS Countless Vagina.

Oh god, please say the little whooshing twirl is part of it…

Perfectly natural.


I saw the IMAX thing they did, and had forgotten that that scene was part of the episode…and man, you think it's heartbreaking on the TV, try it three gazillion feet high, in full sound. Terrible.

Yes. The thing that stands out to me, as an old(ish, ahem) woman, is that when Stewart really kicked into his groove, the times were DARK. For anyone who was struggling to stay sane during the Bush years—the war fever, the incompetence, the blatant lies, the vicious xenophobia, and complete complicity by almost all

THANK you. God, I thought I was losing my mind.

I agree with you in principle, though I think the sentiment behind some of the "but look what Fox News does!" statements is more expressing bitterness over the lack of repercussions for those guys, for their blatant obfuscation and misdirection over important matters, rather than an excusing of Williams's behavior.

I can confirm, there were college girls. And a great opening where they just ran around for a few minutes high-fiving the audience a la U2. Also, Scott dancing. It was a great show.

It might have been the adrenaline talking.