Crewman Number Six

I thought it was the perfect answer to an average question. "We're doomed, don't let that stop you," hits my sweet spot.

Agreed. O-line and receivers are a big problem. But so is Kap's head; one of the significant problems he has is that he is such an instinctive player, and either Harbaugh doesn't know how to turn him into a thinker, or he can't be turned. If you watch Kaepernick, he plays much better when he's run a few times, gone a

Steal Paul F Tompkins' sperm. Can't hurt to try.

You just broke my heart into a gazillion pieces. Because I didn't know, and I can't go to the city tonight, and now I am SAD.

I know that's true because of the song that the gang at Cheers made up for Coach's geography test. I'm old.

"And we're walking…we're walking…"

Eh, I'm not sold on Gunter. A little hard to believe a startup law firm, with sights set on high-priced clients, would allow a half-naked schlub to wander around their offices with a toothbrush. There's a lot going on to distract the principals, and the office is torn up and chaotic. But if all things are

Yeah, I'll have to see, without much ambiguity, that Finn is "pure" in his pursuit of Cary, and not just manipulating the situation to get to Bishop. That's a fair tactic for the state to take, but I don't want to be rooting for a guy who's hurting Cary.

Me. I have that right. And our society and its laws have that right. He can feel any way about his parents and how they raised him, that's between him and his God (or therapist), but he deliberately, and repeatedly, used vicious whipping against a child. In this country, and most others, the government can't even

That's one of my primary complaints against the NFL right now. How does the player's union agree to let un-rested players go out and risk injury this way? And the play is unmitigated shite. Bad behavior by players outside the stadium is at least something that's out of the league's direct control; this garbage

Ha Ha Clinton Dix.

And it's got a little something for Daddy in it, too.

Uch. Joey and Rachel was like incest.

Im 50 years old. The black dog has followed me around all my life, to the point that I can count on one hand the years I feel I didn't completely waste. I am finally, finally, putting together the right combination that I believe might be making life worth living. And while it takes a good amount of my time, money,

Oh hell, that one got me.


I can't believe I'm 7 hours late for this.

Also known as the Scrawler Thanks-For-Making-Me-Feel-Not-So-Alone Hour.

Ron Funches is the most adorable creature on the planet.

You're right; and discussing it is a moo point, right, Joey?