Crewman Number Six

Absolutely. The morons (since we're name-calling here) who twaddle on about plot being unimportant neglect how often the creators of a piece of work will craft tone, pacing, sound, shot choice, performance, etc. in service of the plot. Take the red wedding, for example—that whole episode was put together to get

Upvoted on effort alone.

Yes. Be a child of an indulgent aunt, and sucker her into ToysRUs every other day. You will soon have 50 gallon bins full of the things, no charge. It's a good system.


My, how gracious of you to bestow a free pass to an actual Holocaust survivor! How grateful they must all feel, to qualify, to know you wave a hand to allow them their bitterness! And I'm sure the young Jew feels chastened by your disapproval.

I have to say, at least vampire Tara had a little oomph to her, esp with Pam. But until Rutina Wesley's name leaves the credits, I'm thinking she'll be back. For better or worse.

MASLANY!! At last, something, even if it is this shitty lower-tier thing.

Yes! And this show understands that they coexist, the beauty and sadness, that they reflect and depend on one another. So affirming, so gorgeous.

Not dumb at all, each of those episodes benefitted from a week's worth of simmering and discussion. I love to binge, and some shows really work on that model, but you do lose a lot of tension with a show like BB.

No, slow down. Peruse, savor, browse…make it last. You don't want to be like the rest of us, having just watched the finales of GoT and Veep, and faced with nothing but True Blood to fill our Sunday nights.

And can anyone imagine Pamela, as she's drawn in this show, allowing herself to be that vulnerable to Louie without fighting back? Yes, I was uncomfortable and put off by his behavior (as I was meant to be), but good lord, if Pamela at any time had felt genuinely physically threatened by him, does anyone really doubt

Yeah, I'm not sure how they can possibly take all that happens in the book, condense it into 10 episodes (or even two seasons at 20), and have anything other than a whole bunch of big moments. The cast of characters has expanded and divided, each with their own story lines, each with big moments; and short of

Yeah, that was some real Old Yeller shit there, kinda broke my heart.

That would have been a better punchline.

America: mildly amusing but often really dumb.

It's a lousy job, crap pay and long hours. ALWAYS leave a tip for housekeeping, AV Clubbers!

Hudson - Gary's brother Chet

Extras was erratic, but I will love it forever solely on the fact that it gave me Kate Winslet miming a blow job.

For clarity: I am not advocating the position that smart, quirky, or dorky (for want of a better word) guys can't get cool, beautiful girls especially if they bring economic success or brilliant work to the table. (Though comparing Jeff Goldblum, who may be quirky and not conventionally good-looking but who radiates

Yes. Yes, I am put off by that idea. There is no conceivable reason why those two should get together, other than we need the hero to get the girl. They don't have any chemistry. In no real world does that beautiful, intelligent, competent, socially adept woman find anything attractive about that bumbling