Crewman Number Six

Except we know Grey Worm was castrated as a young child, so…

Seconded for the Peretti thing. The way she takes him down is happiness-making, and I'll always remember when I heard for the first time her plan to kill him with a shovel.

"I don't know. I guess I saw what Louie liked about her in prior seasons, but didn't see that person last night."

I don't know…I hate to be all girly about it, but to me, the smell of a baby's head is intoxicating. Must be a hormone thing.

Well, that approach does help me find a way to let her happen, so…sold! Spooky it is.

Generally, yeah. But then I see kids like the daughters on "Louie," and it makes it clear there are some kids with talent out there. I'm not looking for brilliance, just a little less deadeyed—or a director who can use her without highlighting the fact that she can't even fake being tickled. I'm probably asking too

I'd be more moved and intrigued by Kira if I wasn't taken right out of every scene by how terrible the kid is who's playing her. I mean, god bless the beasts and the children and all, but surely there's another kid out there who can manage a facsimile of a facial expression?

Aw, don't worry, we're in a drought, so we'll all be fleeing wildfires come October. It evens out.

I used to watch (also without pride), and got some pleasure out of her scolding (and the occasionally quite brilliant cross-examination she'd use to expose liars), but the show has veered so sharply into ridiculously-rich-judge-snarls-at-the-welfare-cheats territory that it's just repulsive now, on both sides of the

I need to know when and where this is on. Please don't send me to Google, as I crave human contact.

Well, if we took out all the irrelevant comments here on the ol' AVC, there'd be some pretty high winds howling through some pretty empty spaces…besides, I don't think it's too far out of bounds to discuss someone's oft-spoken opinions on other subjects, after an interview.

"Presumably, Fargo has done all of this to achieve a familiar outcome—a hit, especially among the men who made Breaking Bad a critical and ratings success. "

I am going to use "Look, the PIE!!" every time I need to distract the folks at hand, from now on. Cracked me up.

That friend would be DEAD to me.

Well, I have zero faith in CBS, but I have some considerable faith in Colbert. He just doesn't seem like the kind of performer to agree to subjugate his way of doing things simply to feed his bank account. I can't imagine he'd agree to this if he didn't have some level of assurance that he'd be able to do things his

Uch. Seriously. PFT's body of work to date endears him to me forever, and I love the man. I want him to make all the money and have all the success. But I can't think of anything I'd want to see him in less than a scripted sitcom on network TV. That lovely, brilliant, creative mind in service to

Though really, the McCain thing was because he blew Dave off and that made him mad; it was personal. If McCain had continued to be there for Dave, he would have continued to bring him on and give him love.

"Secretions, lubricants, solvents, um, melted balms, salves, and, uh, just protein bubbles…"

Enh. I think Cookie's idiot criteria are more compelling. Go Cookie!

Well, the names may not be as bog, but it's still swamped with talent.