Crepe Culture Apologist

Sadly news agencies missed the rest of the sign: “Vaccination equals annihilation of such diseases as Polio, Smallpox, Measles, Whooping Cough, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, and more! :)“

The Fellbroship of the ring

Being an experienced force user turns you into a hermitic, non-intervening, hyper-conservative dicknostril, at least based on every experienced Jedi we’ve seen in two trilogies…

I’m a fat guy. Not a chubby guy or a husky guy but a really fucking fat, going to die young if I can’t figure out how to fix myself fat guy. For any of you women out there that are fat like me, fat in the way that you’re killing yourself slowly just by existing the way you do - every time you feel the urge to spend

I honestly love it when actual women want to sell me the idea that heteronormative, male-gazey porn is fantastic and it’s ~sex positive. Sex positive. And me, the person who listens to her survival instincts and who gets uncomfortable when feeling unsafe and used, is the weird one. I love how I’m not allowed to ask

Calling Stoya’s statement defamatory means exactly that, “I did not rape Stoya and I can prove it in court.” It seems bloodless to a lay person, but it’s the strongest way of calling a person a liar that lawyers can deploy.

Yeah, the felony term is peeping thomas

Especially considering “criminal” is such a monumentally diluted concept in the US as to be meaningless in itself. Where innocence is supposed to be assumed until proven otherwise, the privatization of law enforcement has placed the priority squarely on monetizing every single available soul for somebody else’s

Heck, if you’ve got a nurse in you you’re half way there.

“Keep in mind, though, that I’m also the guy who’s been arguing for a “Tour Of Duty” style show about Federation ground troops since the 1990s.”

Tour of Duty in the trekverse would be fucking incredible. DS9 explored some of that in Nor the Battle to the Strong and Siege of AR-558. I always though a great pitch for a similar style series would follow a younger Chief O’Brien and his unit during the Cardassian War (but I have a thing for Cardassians and they

I bet the writers at Blue Bloods are super pissed that CSI stole their idea!

How did she even manage to fit her entire body in the frame?

weren’t the beautiful, wealthy couple more than just nice-experience having luckies? they were essential actors: at best pretending to be a cheerleader is a bit weird, but mostly it just looks too much like they’re trying to fool people. Maybe: ‘...Sports Franchise lends floodlights to Pentagon for some hero-theatre

I’ve always had a fantasy where they bring out the family and kids, and when they say turn around or Let’s welcome home Corporal Marine Todd, the family turns around overjoyed and then they wheel out a casket with the flag draped over it.

It has been about ten years since Cuba has required exit visas. Plenty of Cubans have been visiting relatives. Most go home.