Crepe Culture Apologist

This is actually one of the main reasons liberalism is historically untenable. A liberal state must tolerate people spreading and organizing around illiberal ideas and must ultimately resort to illiberal measures to defend itself from these people or preserve itself in times of crisis (a phenomenon built into the

Nah. That’s cheap plastic surgery and insufficient funds for maintenance.

He said/She said, lack of recordings or other hard evidence, etc.

I swear by OKCupid. Met my primary partner on there and almost all of my other dates leading up to that bore enjoyable short term relationships, fun one nighters, or at least good stories.

Back when I was on OKC I said my Myers-Briggs was STFU.

For most of the world’s population, violence (or at least the threat thereof) and material privation are simply threads in the fabric of daily existence. Kardashian’s wealth affords her the privileges of safety and comfort.

“I trusted him until the time he asked me how my meal was, on our third date, and I said, ‘I need ketchup’ and, just like that, he sprung up to get it for me.”

Big difference between Jews in America and POCs in America: Jews aren’t members of a systemically and structurally oppressed group. Jews benefit from white privilege and are largely petit bourgeois or above in class position. That means your reaction to seeing your culture appropriated will be informed by a much

“...let (the) bosses do their jobs.”

Holy shit NO to poly being a solution to Letter Writer Number One’s situation. And I say this as someone who stopped doing monogamy years ago and is currently in a long term, primary, open relationship.

Dental infections used to kill people regularly. It’s a thing. And adults without access to high quality dental care have fewer teeth than middle class Americans take for granted. I’ve got a solidly lower working class job and you should see the mouths on my colleagues. Poor folks usually have the choice of life

You know who helps me for free all the time?

It’s not necessarily a matter of can’t, but it certainly is a matter of shouldn’t.

Def just said “oh damn” out loud. And I’m a dude who only occasionally kisses other dudes. Young C. Waltz had it going on.

Because we totally live in a world where jobs are easy to come by and service workers are financially secure enough to hold out until they find that gig with the perfect manager.

White people, this is why nobody likes you.

Guaranteed hung jury. You get any twelve Americans in a room discussing your hypothetical killing and you’ll have a few who won’t vote to convict and at least one who won’t budge.


If your comment history is what the collective orangutan unconscious looks like, I'm ready for humanity to abdicate this whole dominant species thing.

Oh man. The Junkies. I listened to them for about a month close to a decade ago out of pure schadenfreude. And not the schadenfreude Hale’s talking about. Pure fascination with how pathetic K list celebrities with really low IQs are.