
So many businesses struggle to see things from the customer’s viewpoint. Stadia should never have been marketed to the sort of gamer who already owns a library of console and/or PC titles, because there’s no real value for that consumer. It should have been marketed from the beginning to the casual gamer who is

One of Google’s defining characteristics is that it can never just take an industrial technology to industries and sell it that way. It’s got to make a consumer product out of it that nobody wants, get utterly humiliated in the market, and then salvage it by turning it into an industrial technology.

What’s so sad to me about Stadia is that it _works so incredibly well_ - and what it’s failure says about Google and how people perceive Google.

My 30s weren’t confusing. They are just alot of work that involved having 3 baby boys and getting them to pre teen years while also dealing with a major job layoff and having to move to another state for work and burning through a ton of our household cash reserves.

Yeah, they should have kept Chris Noth in the last episode. They already shot it, I assume he’d already been paid...was it really worth it to throw away what was probably something fairly poignant? It’s not like it was going to revive a career that seems to be on life support.

Reminds me of back in the day when I didn’t watch the original SATC but I religiously read all of the TWOP recaps.

I read io9 pretty much daily, and I had not seen any of these.

There’s an interesting conversation that can be had about how actors can ruin characters.

The One Ring’s chief power was to perceive and dominate the minds and wills of others, especially those carrying the other Rings of Power, but anyone could be susceptible. The books note several times how Frodo and briefly Sam look like powerful, threatening figures to Gollum and orcs when they hold the One Ring in

How refreshing is it though? I love it.

Sadly, the answer is nobody. Nobody plays the Guatemalans.

If all the Americans in film and TV are played by Brits and Aussies, and all the Brits are played by Guatemalans, who plays the Guatemalans?

The trailer is definitely giving me a David Haller Legion vibe.

Cor blimey Mary Poppins what a trailer. 

Rest up buddy, we’ll find whom it was.

I remember hearing this show was in development like 4-5 years ago and reading a few updates a year on it since. Kind of crazy to see something take so long to finally get made and then get cancelled so unceremoniously.

But Shakked’s copycat app isn’t the only unofficial Wordle app popping up on the App Store. There are various others, all nearly identical to the original online version. Their source just isn’t known publicly.

“I’m so lucky to be in such good health and feel so good at this age. It’s amazing.”

Say what you will about Carano’s terrible acting (started out shockingly bad, eventually clawed her way up to “kinda meh”) and her politics (started out meh, clawed her way down to shockingly bad), but as an action star she had the absolutely transcendent quality of looking like someone who, if they punched you, you

This movie almost sounds like it was cast by whether the actors’ names—Jessica Chastain, Lupita Nyong’o, Penélope Cruz, and Bingbing Fan—made it clear that this was a real Captain Planet/United Color of Benetton multiculti affair.