
Weird takes.

An old Italian guy getting all kissy face is a more of an anachronism than a criminal act. But spinning it as trying to “establish the spirit of the scene” makes it a lot weirder.

The ONLY reason I like AVClub articles like this one are for the myriad suggestions from the commentariat that tend to be far better than the few mentioned in the article. Original article: five suggestions, nothing especially surprising or obscure. Commentariat: dozens of suggestions, many of which I’ve never heard

If you want to go TRULY unfilmable, how about some Jack Chalker? Some of his stuff would tend to stretch the boundaries of CGI or even flat-out animation. 

A Pern series would address the main problem with GOT and HOTD, namely that while they do both include lots of sex and dragons, they don’t have nearly enough sex involving dragons.

I feel like the weird tonal shifts of Hyperion make it the closest to unfilmable of anything mentioned here

I fully believe that Le Guin’s The Dispossessed could be a breakout genre-oriented Best Picture winner if done right. But it would be incredibly hard to get right

Earthsea had a major impact on me, and I’m still pissed that it was bungled so badly by the SciFi Channel.

Ringworld would need a lot of updating to make it palatable. Niven clearly did not like women at all. 

The challenge for the Left Hand of Darkness is that Genly is a misogynist. He is the sole representative of the gender-normative worldview through which the reader is challenged. Watching the protagonist struggle with distaste while saying that some of his genderless hosts are acting “womanly” is entirely the point.

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Every season has a similar degree of the same pleasures (not a complaint), so it’s tough to rank anything. And when it comes to the hosts (I’ve loved Hammond this season — and her classic interview with Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford for Blade Runner 2049 is something) I’ve been pleased pretty much across the board. I

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At this point does anyone still wear rose colored glasses about what kind of person Elvis was, or at least what he became? This sounds good but I’m not expecting to learn anything new about his appetites and behaviors. So I’ll leave everyone with my favorite take on the man (‘scuse me)...

I just hope they finally admit that Jerry and everyone were in Purgatory all along.

I could live a long, happy life without ever seeing another rape depicted in a movie or television show. 

I can believe that, but NCIS had the same issue that “Murder, She Wrote” did, where a cute little town had a murder rate higher than crack-era Detroit. With that many people dying in the Navy every single week, who needed to go to war to put their lives at risk?

I enjoyed the moment in NCIS where somebody asked Gibbs what Ducky looked like when he was younger, and Gibbs replies “Ilya Kuryakin”. A subtle nod to the fact that McCallum was a much bigger sex symbol than Harmon ever was.

Skye shooting Ward in the back after he sets her free is STILL one of my favorite TV moments.

On the plus side, Cindy — you’re not Barsanti! :P But I posted this in the other thread in re: waiting 17 episodes for Agents of SHIELD to get where it wanted to go with the HYDRA twist (“Turn Turn Turn”) which was largely a failure of writing to keep it as engaging before the twist:

We shouldn’t have lauded the movie when it came out.

People are mad and want action, but Bullock’s Oscar has nothing to do with this. It’s an award for her performance. Returning her salary from the movie makes more sense to me than returning her Oscar.