
Marvel also seems to rush preproduction. I think the built in reshoots that Marvel seems to put in their schedule work if the movie is already strong, it allows the movie to be tweaked. Unfortunately it seems to be what happened is that it’s now an excuse to make wholesale changes to the movie and it becomes obvious.

So have they always used this “activation” term? I feel like it’s the first time I’ve heard of it (though have never been to SDCC, but read about it every year), and am I wrong that they are just events, or pop-ups, or god forbid, attractions?

They could have had her discover after Big’s death that he’d badly mismanaged their finances and she didn’t really have all that much. This could have left her with enough to live comfortably without having to work, but not be uber rich. It would be an accurate representation of what often happens to older women who

I get so exhausted by the amount of time, labour, and passion that gets squandered on awful scripts. I see it in films, in television, in video games: no one respects the craft of writing, no one seems to support it, nobody pays for it.

I watched the trailer for this along with several other before seeing Across the Spider-verse and as transporting and spell-binding as that movie was I kept thinking ‘man, every frame of this film makes those awful noisy trailers look like tired, generic crap.’

I expect nothing from Trolls 3 and will get it, but this

I’m trying to think of the last time Pixar character design blew me away (WALL-e?). Even their most recent classic in my eyes, Inside Out, the character designs of the emotion is probably the least inspired thing about it. 

The movie gets itself into all sorts of conceptual trouble. At one point it’s specifically laid out that Wade isn’t “water,” he’s a “water person,” implying that none of the characters are actually... elementals... since they exist apart from the elements they represent. Also, municipal water management plays a big

This character is made of fire, and is from Firetown! And they like a water character from Watertown!?!? WH-aAA—-?!?!” is why this didn’t do well.

Marketing for Elemental focused on the fantastical setting and simplistic Romeo and Juliet love story, without ever letting on that it’s also an allegory for the immigrant experience

Marketing for Elemental focused on the fantastical setting and simplistic Romeo and Juliet love story, without ever letting on that it’s also an allegory for the immigrant experience and the ways in which outlier communities can be systemically excluded from urban planning and development.

seems so insane to triple down on cgi kids sci-fi movies when, not only have the most recent 2 bombed spectacularly, the entire concept has mostly yielded bombs, many of them the biggest of all time!

I think what I find weird (and maybe this makes more sense in the context of the film), but most Pixar movies pull a similar trick of “imagine _____, but like a whole society/world of _____, walking around and going to work and stuff;” but there’s always some connection to our world, like you could lift a rock and see

“Can we make about 200 puns into a movie? Sure. Fuck it. We’re Pixar.”

Zootopia, except replace the expressive, lovable animal designs with weird blob people.

A quick BDSM scene, complete with whips and chains, foregrounds Pip’s time with Havisham, turning the feminist subtext of Dickens into text. ... Havisham and Estella treat him as their boy toy, with responsibilities including hide and seek, dance lessons, and forcing him to lose his virginity to a sex-positive member

Steven Knight’s second stab at Dickens, begins with Pip (Fionn Whitehead) hanging himself

On the one hand, yeah, they could have probably got a few South Asian performers in there; sure, everyone bar two people are white in the film, but the Oscars performance is supposed to be a celebration of the film in general, not a shot-by-shot recreation of the film. They probably could have done a little bit better.

Everything’s die hard fans are toxic (Star Wars, the comic universes, etc). The rest of us normals shouldn’t always have to apologize or qualify liking something.

I would be strongly in favor of “bottle episodes”. I am done with the story arcs. Bond is endlessly rebootable, and the less baggage every movie has, the better.

Unsurprisingly, there's no response to the critique of “holy shit, the color grading on this is awful, why tf does it look so dull and ugly.” For chrissakes, even the screenshot for this very article is embarrassing.