
Yeah, the migration to Kinja really killed the community here. You used to see thousands of comments on some bigger shows. 

I think her dying because he helped a stranger is the point. She saw that it worked out horribly, and she STILL told him it was the right call, and that she was proud of him, and that he should continue operating that way. It was an inversion of that plot point, and in the end, it worked.

I think it is very important to point out that Peter bringing the villains to Happy’s apartment is not just a matter of Peter himself feeling a sense of self-focused over-confidence. May herself pushed him to take this path and was actively involved in the plan to rehabilitate the villains. And even when the whole

I mean the strategy is very clear. Give it a bit for all the die hards who are gonna see it and care about spoilers, and then when you have that momentum start to dip you release a few “holy sh*t!” moments to pull in anyone who was on the fence.

I’ve been saying it for the last few years - Disney (primarily for Marvel but also for Star Wars) weaponizes spoilers. Avengers Endgame is the biggest example I can think about: before the movie came out, they made a big deal about how you shouldn’t spoil the movie, don’t be that guy, none of the actors will spoil

Episode 7 played to JJ Abrams’ strengths. He’s great at casting and directing actors. Think of Poe and Finn’s instant humor and chemistry, the kind we’d been missing from the prequels. Adam Driver made Kylo work regardless of the scripts. Daisy Ridley pulled off the thankless role of thinly written chosen one and fans

It’s best to keep stuff like the multi-Spideys an “open secret”, just as a gift fans feel validated to see/open themselves. It’s why we still wrap holiday presents even if we know what’s probably inside, we still like the air of mystique.

Yeah, marketing campaigns go through stages. They know they have fans who will go asap to try and avoid spoilers, and the first wave is for them. The posts talking about spoilers are way more about putting that fear in fans’ minds rather than trying to dispel them. Then they tend to have a next-wave that shows all the

My take on RoS remains that it is is the only Star Wars movie that truly doesn’t deserve to exist.

I guess 55 is kind of an overlooked age. The last major TV show about a group of 55 year old women was The Golden Girls.

Yeah, I dug Daniel Craig as Bond, but his run of movies were convoluted as hell, especially the last couple.

This sounds perfectly in-tune with the current moment. On a related note, I would rather deep-throat a chainsaw than watch this movie.

So Astaire felt so strongly about this that he put it in his will, but they’ve chosen to ignore his dying wish and do it anyway. What a sweet homage!

Yeah it’s wonderful. The world is brilliantly realized, the monster designs are so creative, it looks beautiful, and it has the best voice acting of any Pixar movie. Plus, Boo is an absolutely adorable but non-cloying character who actually gets her own personality. And it’s by leaps and bounds the funniest Pixar

Yeah, legally blonde is a great movie as well as niche classic for a wire large niche. Despite being same age as the characters when it’s came out, I am currently in law school and that movie has made a lasting impression on a generation of women. Just look at the number of Redditors named “ellewoods1996" etc on

I don’t know why, but seeing Fellowship of the Ring ranked behind Ocean’s 11 (a movie I quite enjoyed, incidentally) was where I completely lost it.

ah, good catch! I still stand by Legally Blonde being one of the better classic comedies out there, and deserves a spot!

I hope you don’t take this as a backhanded compliment, but this is the kind of pop culture contextualization that I miss from this site. Great read, thoughtfully written, and a reminder of why I enjoy coming here.

confused and dubious

On the other hand, I think in the interest of historic preservation, putting out virtually every bit of interesting footage was probably the right choice, especially when you have the tech and the budget to restore it. That doesn’t make it a tolerable watch for the non-hardcore set, but I don’t think turning it into