
I’ve got empathy for the actors. I’d hate to be George Clooney and decide to Ellen Pompeo (ride ER out for the paycheck well beyond its natural death). But in the same way, I'd hate to Jessica Brown Findlay when I could have Ellen Pompeo-d. Honestly I don't think her jump to film got wrecked by her own merits, people

It’s a scene that reminds me of Doctor Who in the way the climax revolves around a conversation in which the hero is steps ahead of the villain and is willing to give him a chance.

There are very few things the Europeans do that are terrible. Why must we adopt them? What’s next? Will we start writing street names in tiny letters on an arbitrary building near, but not necessarily on the corner rather than having clear and easy to read street signs? Will we start using separate faucets for hot and

I liked his movies too - they felt really closely in-tune with the books.

Easily one of my favorite things to come out of GoT’s success is that the industry has moved away from adapting books into film and more toward television, which is much better suited for it.

I’m trying to imagine the audience that’s excited to see both ‘Blink-182' and ‘Modest Mouse’.

MTV around then was great. You had boy bands, but you also had these boy bands that hated boy bands. The full spectrum, really.

You could easily inter-cut Python’s “We’re Knights of the Round Table” and most people wouldn’t even notice.

Wow, I wish you had been my seventh grade English teacher.

I think the appeal of the story is its weirdness and ambiguity - and the masses of buildup paired with unsatisfying anticlimax is kind of part of that. Aside from that, interesting bits include:

Yeah, I can sympathize a bit in the sense that I’ve worked on multi-year projects, and know what it feels like to just want to wrap everything up.

Missed the chance to say the Joseph Gordon Levee has broken.

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what the target of the snark here is supposed to be. That Don John wasn’t actually good? That the show’s idea sounds unoriginal? That it’s a self-evident joke that Joseph Gordon-Levitt has “directorial flair”?

Yes! I felt exactly the same way. I can’t imagine someone who hasn’t seen many movies this year coming away from this Oscar’s ceremony thinking, “All right, I’m in the mood for some movies!” I guess I understand wanting to give the winners more time to talk (although personally, I mute most of the speeches because I

Well, no, Hopkins beating out Boseman isn’t the flub. Instead, the huge flub is the Academy seemingly restructuring the show with Best Picture being given out before Best Actress and Best Actor, apparently hoping to end on a manufactured triumphant and emotional tribute for a Boseman win. Instead, it fell flat on its

Yeah, like I say I can objectively admire the performances, but the age gap between her and her co-star(s) in both films bug me, I’ve been over Hollywood’s laziness with casting young women and old men for awhile, and would have skipped Silver Linings completely but the praise made me curious, and then it was

I think his Jennifer Lawrence obsession as a muse is wholly misplaced. I like Jennifer Lawrence, and while I can objectively admire her performances in Russell’s movies, I also subjectively think she’s terribly cast and shouldn’t be in everyone of them (including this one!)

I loved so much of this movie until the last 20 minutes or so, when the film’s stressful-yet-still-sorta-genial approach to dealing with mental illness in everyday life was summarily chucked out the window in favor of embracing full-on ridiculous rom-com tropes like “love conquers all (and is certainly more important

Nomadland is really good, but I prefer Minari and Lee Isaac Chung’s direction and script. What a beautiful, delicate, moving, understated portrait of family life, cultural assimilation, religion, and renewal, with nary a false note anywhere.

This comes up in pretty much every interview with her, and she’s consistently said 1. yes it’s goofy, because I came up with it when I was 15, but that’s still kind of my self-image so I still like it, 2. also I like that musicians get to use ridiculous names, 3. if I start getting a lot of serious roles I might stop