
The thing that struck me most when re-watching the early seasons recently was how medieval it all was. I’m not saying it was historically accurate, not by any stretch of the imagination. But it has a lot of the trappings of medieval stories that modern fantasy often gloss over or ignore because they weren’t in Lord of

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Literally any piece of art showing male friendship:

I would be interested to know what Zach Snyder’s theatrical cut was going to be because there was no way that this was going to be a single 4 hour Justice League movie dropping f-bombs and blood splatter. My guess is that most of, if not all, of the epilogue would have been cut as well as the Martian Manhunter

I liked it. At least I liked most of it. The flash-forward at the end is as pointless and clunky as the article says. However, I would never have been able to sit through this in a theater, and it never would have been released in theaters in this form anyway. I actually think it’s kind of nice that streaming services

I think most of the changes made were for the better. I do miss some of the quips, but this movie wasn’t totally devoid of humor (“What’s your superpower? I’m rich.”). I think it’s a little unfair to criticize the runtime, because we can safely assume the theatrical version wouldn’t have been four hours long--some of

It’s consistently amusing—and thanks to the largely chaste nature of Todd’s adoration, never too creepy, either.

It seems a little weird to talk about how a fantasy movie reflects Our Current Situation, because for all the talk of loss and coping this is still a Disney movie where things HAVE to end happily for just about everybody. Unless it’s a twist ending where nobody who’s been turned to stone actually comes back and the

Addiction memoirs are a bit like superhero movies in that the formula is pretty mature and relatively unchanging, which constantly invites the question: do we really need another one of these? With superheroes, some of us don’t sweat it so much because done right, they’re fairly fun, the cinematic equivalent of a cone

I kinda hate all sides in this one

Since when were SNL live performances any good? It’s all the bad technical aspects of poorly mixed live recording with all the soul-sucking experience of watching the spirit of live performance over closed-circuit television.

Also, Boomer Rockers need to just shut up.

D & D strikes me as like Battleship where your two choices are to make it so generic that it’s basically a Lord of the Rings knock-off/generic “Navy men on boats” movie or so specific that it’ll be weird and potentially alienating to non-fans.

Personally, I think the second sounds more entertaining.

*one finger on a monkey’s paw curls in*

Alright, AV Club. Cards on the table: how big of a check do I have to write you for you guys to never do the “here’s a bunch of inane chatter from idiots on Twitter disguised as an article” thing ever again?

Happy Death Day and its sequel beat you to it, even in the sub sub genre.

Jesus Christ. This sounds awful. Maybe Sam Levinson could simply not read his reviews. But it seems highly likely he reads all of them, and will be reading this one. So, if he makes it down to the comments, I’d just like to say- Hey, Sam. Don’t read your fucking reviews, buddy.

Everyone. You might want to sit down. Because this an uncomfortable truth. My advice is simply to lean into it, to accept your place in the universe. Ultimately to look your impending death in the face with joy.

In the 90's Counting Crows was Dad Rock immediately. 

Well, much like dads themselves, this track list appears to really run the gamut, quality-wise. But amazingly, yes, I can easily imagine every single song here being listened to by a dad while doing dad things (in the case of my dad, fixing things around the house and being emotionally unavailable).

If ten years ago you’d told me, “Hey, you know that guy from “Hot Rod” and Lonely Island? Turns out he’s a really good actor and in one of the best movies of 2020,” I’d have replied,” Pfft, yeah, sure, buddy. What are you gonna tell me next, that he’s married to Joanna Newsom or something?”