
There’s no way she could have done more than a cursory level of research on autism, or she would surely have noticed the burning hatred a lot of autistic folks have for Autism Speaks. To claim “I had no idea it was such a polarizing group!” is damning in and of itself, honestly.

It also falls squarely into the kind of rhetoric that got Trump into power in the first place: “We hate Trump because he reminds us of you, working class white voter! Eating fast food like a poor person, how gross.”

It’s really a shame that she wasn’t born a decade or two earlier, because these covers make a very good case for how talented she would be as frontman for a rock band. Sadly... rock isn’t really mainstream enough anymore for that career path.

Yeah. I think that spouses of high achievers often make a lot of sacrifices for their spouses career and have a legitimate claim to their profits. But there needs to be SOME limit. No one needs millions of dollars a year for even the most luxurious standard of living.

As always with these posts, I’m going to take a moment to explain about California’s climate for those who don’t live there.

California naturally experiences an irregular cycle of wet and dry years (every 2-7 years), due to the El Nino phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean ( A few

It also detracts from the feminist message of the film. The message to young girls in the original was: you too could be a strong warrior if you work hard (and with a little cleverness). Now, the message is: if you’re already super-gifted at martial arts from birth, you can be a strong warrior. It’s no longer “girls

I don’t know... the image Netflix used is almost certainly an actual still from the movie, because there’s no way Netflix flew the child actors out for a photo shoot for this obscure French film. Netflix didn’t put them in those outfits+poses, the director did.

Plus they’re banking on families to pay the $30 price tag, because that price is only reasonable if you’ve got 3+ people watching. But from what I can tell, they’ve taken out all the family-friendly elements of the original. It looks far too serious and dark for young kids.

The good news is I don’t think Trump has anywhere near the level of support from the military he’d need to successfully pull off a coup. They openly spoke out against his threat to deploy them during the protests, I can’t imagine they’d go along with blatantly ignoring the constitution to keep him in power.

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It’s interesting that the Hunger Games also had a surprise-hit soundtrack with old-timey folk/country/americana music. Clearly there’s an audience for it that’s not finding it other ways.

I had the same trouble with WATW,WABW. The songs themselves are good, but they never manage to cohere into a proper album. I do think the ending one-two punch of 12/17/12 into A Beginning Song is brilliant, though.

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Rather than arguing with the list, I’m going to take the opportunity here to give some love to my favorite Decemberists deep cut, the charming “Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right.”

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It’s a bit on the nose, but I’ve always loved “The start / is the hardest part” from the Lucksmith’s Warmer Corners. No instrumental buildup, just the singers voice at its most warm and compassionate. This whole album is like listening to a hug from your best friend.

The plot synopsis here makes it sound like an unintentional satire of eat-pray-love style travel films. A tortured artist travels to an exotic land to escape her life and find herself, and there she finds .... other Americans.

I’m curious about the budget on this. Animal CGI has gotten very good of late, but it’s still not cheap. A huge part of the appeal of the books is the fantasy of turning into different animals, and if they try to cheap out on that it’s not going to work at all.

From the rumors it really sounds like a downward spiral of: working long hours plus a serious injury took a toll on her mental health -> she became hard to work with -> the crew started resenting her -> working 24/7 with people who didn’t like her made her mental health even worse -> etc

There might not be any big

It wasn’t EL James’ idea, an early draft of Midnight Sun leaked in 2008, long before 50 Shades was written. 

It’s an odd film, because on the surface it’s about AI, but the actual AI plot is both silly (man falls in love with his operating system!) and cliche (the singularity!). As a film about AI, it’s not great.

I haven’t seen this movie and it doesn’t look great, but I read the book it’s based on as a teenager and loved it. Highly recommended for any middle/high schoolers.

Man, I know I’m old and out-of-touch because last time I was paying attention to the Supernatural fandom they were still calling it the Metallicar.